Help debugging ROG Big Daddy (first timer)

Started by ConanB, December 11, 2007, 08:42:38 AM

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Hi all,

I've been trolling these forums for a bit learning what I could and finally soldered up my first real FX pedal (I've thrown together an A/B switcher and a Dual Footswitch for my Laney Linebacker amp). Only problem is it's ended up as a huge failure. Ah well, first time's the hardest ;)

The circuit I tried throwing together was a simple Big Daddy distortion from (
I put it together on veroboard, using the exact components listed for the project without any modifications. I came up with the vero layout in DIY Layout Creator and I'm hoping it was correct:

The layout is supposed to have all the wires ready to hookup inside a box.

I spent this evening soldering the little thing together. My soldering isn't the greatest, but it worked ok for the other little projects so I'm hoping it's ok, but if it looks like it could be the problem then so be it:

I hooked it up to a breadboard to test it before I installed it in the box and then connected up all the wires.

When it was all connected I turned on the amp, then the FX, and all I got was harsh static :(
Fiddled with the pots and it was just different types of static. At one point I could sort of hear the guitar as I strummed it but that didn't last long.

So yeah, dissapointing, but I didn't really expect it to work perfectly first go, was just hoping it would at least work in some way ;)

I guess I'm just asking if anyone can spot a problem with the layout, or if there is something on the soldered board that is obviously wrong. Since I'm fairly new to electronics and don't really have anyone around who knows more than I do about the subject it's a little hard for me to come to a conclusion.

Any help, criticisms, abuse, all greatly appreciated :)


colin trueman

check to see if there are any solder bridges and also check c3, It looks like from the photo that the one leg is wrong


Your right!

I'll have to resolder C3 tomorrow when my brain is less buzzed than it is right now.

I had gone over the layout under a lamp to try and spot any solder bridges and couldn't spot any, but I'll go over it again just in case. As a side the trace cuts should be fine, as I checked them before I started soldering.

But thanks for spotting the cap!


Moved the cap but still got static :(

This one is gonna take a bit I think.

Does the vero layout look right compared to the schematic?


I really should hang my head in shame, just realised the film caps are in the wrong spots :(
I don't think I could make any more noobie mistakes than I already have.


It looks like the right mylar cap is on pin 1 instead of 2, where it is on the layout. As for the one on the left, same case possibly, but too unclear on the pic to tell for sure. I'd check these out.


Feel no shame, I always find that five minutes after posting a "debugging thread" I come up with whatever I did wrong (which is usually very embarrassing to report... ;) )


I'm thinking I'm going to just redo the small circuit, salvage what parts I can, and try my hardest to get cleaner solders while I'm at it.

Quick question regarding hook-up wire: Since most of the schematic info is US, all the wire sizes are in "gauges", but here in AUS it's all just "light" "medium" etc with mm thickness listed. Light it seems is, for stranded wire, "13 X 0.12mm". Too small perhaps? I'm fairly sure I grabbed "medium", seems about the same thickness as battery snap wires.

I might also try to find a finer soldering iron tip to help with it all.


"That's the way I play" ~EC

colin trueman

Turn ICI around it looks like it's the wrong way,Hope this works for you

colin trueman


colin trueman

sorry I wasn't paying attention (kids fighting) I thought the IC1 was wrong my mistake


Yeah the two obvious mistakes I made was I put C1 where C3 should go, and vice versa, and I connected the end of "C3" into IC's 4 instead of 3.

As soon as I get a free 30 minutes I'll redo those two caps then give it another test. If it still doesn't work then I may just start all over and try to improve my solders since I can't for the life of me spot any other issue with the board itself.


My feeling is that it will work this time :)

Boards looks good to me solder-wise


It's alive!
To a degree....

I switched the caps around, made sure they were in the correct holes, hooked it up to the breadboard and hazzah, distorted sounds of a guitar crying out!
Only when I went to fiddle with the pots to see what differences I could get I didn't get any; no matter what I had the drive and volume set to it was always the same. Almost as if the volume and drive were both on full.

Any ideas there?


Haha just had a funny moment.

Was fiddling with some of the wires I had hooked up trying to redo the wires running to the pots and I managed to get them working slightly. They modify the sound, but at certain points add in an awful buzz sound. But the funny part; I was fiddling with the pots and the volumes on my amp to try and figure out if it was my old amp playing up or the wiring, and then switched to my smaller amp. Turned it all on, started turning the pots again, then next thing I know I'm listening to some news report  :icon_eek:

I guess I created a combo distortion pedal / radio.....


I just bought a pack of 13/0.12mm wire from Jaycar and it's the optimum diameter for stomp boxes. I got some lighter stuff a while ago but it was horrible and kept snapping.
Completed Projects - Modded DS1, The Stiffy, Toaster Ruby, Octobooster Mk. II, Pedal Power Supply


I'm not sure if this is the problem, but I noticed in your layout you don't show any connection for one of the lugs of the volume pot. The schematic is showing it grounded.


I did miss that, thanks for spotting it. That could be causing some of the buzz, I'll hook it up again tonight and see how it goes.

Besides the buzz and the radio news report it was sounding good, my first circuit is slowing coming to life, and I'm learning alot of mistakes that I hope not to repeat in newer builds :)
Can't wait to have it sealed up inside it's enclosure!