Tube boost + overdrive running off a 9 volt battery

Started by dano12, December 11, 2007, 07:51:24 PM

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Thanks Greg and Adriano  :icon_biggrin:

I got in touch with the person I got the Dud 12au7 from on eBay
and he's kindly agreed to send me a replacement free of charge! Result!!
What a nice fellow.
As soon as it arrives I'll stick it in with the 12v regualted supply.
I can't wait.
I'll also post some pics and stuff when it's all finished.
I've got a lovely enclosure to pit it in.

Thanks again  ;D


That's assuming another dud is not coming towards you in the mail.


Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


Here's a picture of my VC.   :icon_wink:
Sorry for the terrible quality my camera's soooo bad.  ???Schematics-etc/DSC00896.JPG.html

I changed it to run at 12v but have noticed that all of my 12v plugs have the wrong polarity.
So I am yet to power her up!!   :'(
Am I able to just swap the two wires from the DC socket around?
Is that the same thing or do I need to buy the appropriate 12v wallwart?

Cheers  ;D



Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


Nice ! I love those enclosures. Where do they come from?
I wonder what happens if I .......


Hi there.

Thanks for the kind words   
The enclosure I got from mike at
they're good quality. I always get the unfinished ones and paint em
Gonna start work on a triple valve and vibracaster next.
I'll post again when done  ;D


Quote from: zambo on November 06, 2010, 01:32:49 PM
I built this pedal using a valvecaster and I think aron nelsons smaxh drive.

Hi, Greg. I put this into my valvy,  the result  :o Wow, the gain I get is huge and sounds incredible. It results in a really hi gain warm distortion. Know, I had problems with the gain control in the Smash, it did nothing, and since I need a less "metal" and pretty softer overdrived sound, I want to know if fixing the gain problem could get me there or if I need to look for a more soft OD circuit to add to my valvy.
Born rocker, die rockstar.


olla, I just finished a (untested, but tubes light up) basic (no tone control), clean (lower Resistor values) valvecaster. I have two questions:

1) currently I have a 7812 along with 100µF Cap in there for voltage filtering and regulation. What happens if I just connect 9 Volts instead of the necessary 12? Will it damage the 7812?

2.) I want to add a boost, I was thinking about a SHO or a mosfetboost. I would like to run the boost via the same voltage supply - so are these boosts doing ok at 12 Volts or MUST I run these boosts at 9 Volt?

How did you guys do it?


Just wanted to add my completed valve caster to the pics.


@ Kaalaraab, you might try a softer overdrive. That one you have is pretty brutal. On my smashdrive I think I just put a volume pre circuite and used that as the gain ( like turning down your guitar in a way) .You mught try just running a simple boost in front of the valvecaster too. It makes a bigger input signal for the valve to process and throws it into overdrive more. Thats how i started cascading three valvecasters into eachother lol...

@ Blue, You can run 9 volts without changing anything at all. no problems. just make sure if you run them in the same box that your power supply has enought ma to run both fx. I use a 1spot. it has 1700ma.  A normal vc uses about 200 ma.Post clips  :D

@ Clydeshere, Nice looking work!
I wonder what happens if I .......


Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


Thanks guys i'm trying to come up with something cool for the bicaster i have on board right now.


I wonder what happens if I .......


Zambo, just a quick search with google and this page with a lot of smilies appeared...
Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


Hey guys I've been goofing around with the Bi caster and I was getting that really farty distortion that I think I've seen some people complaining about on here.
I put this buffer in front of it and man it smoothed all that bad bass out. Oh I also halved all the capitors on the bicaster circuit. It really smooths the sound out and makes the tone knob actually usable.

P.S I've been changing tubes around and trying different combos and really like almost all the tubes with this buffer on it different sounds but all good.


Bye the way thats Dano12's buffer from his great site. and i used the 2N3904


Quote from: clydeshere on December 06, 2010, 02:22:58 PM
I put this buffer in front of it and man it smoothed all that bad bass out. Oh I also halved all the capitors on the bicaster circuit. It really smooths the sound out and makes the tone knob actually usable.

P.S I've been changing tubes around and trying different combos and really like almost all the tubes with this buffer on it different sounds but all good.

Sorry for my English, by "in front" you mean, booster first, then valvy? And by "halved" you mean you used all capacitor at half of their original values? Have you tried this on the single Valvecaster? I'm just looking for something to put before my Valvy to give it a warm boost. I will try Omega from I hope this would do the trick. But I will give Dano12's buffer a try.

Quote from: clydeshere on December 06, 2010, 02:25:11 PM
Bye the way thats Dano12's buffer from his great site. and i used the 2N3904

Could you post the link to Dano12's site? Thanks.

EDIT: I got the link
Born rocker, die rockstar.