removing switch pops

Started by not the man, December 14, 2007, 03:58:43 AM

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not the man

is it possible to use active circutry to filter popping of a noisy switch?  It seems that all the momentary switches I've used, mainly in rapid succession, tend to pop.  I always wanted to be able to activate and deactivate some effects quickly, but so far it seems impossible without causing significant detriment to the guitar experience.


Welcome. Search for "pulldown resistor" or "switchpop" and see if you find what you are looking for.



not the man

Well, here's the thing, I have a kill switch pedal and a pulldown resistor doesn't help in this situation (and yes, I checked to make sure). I'm using the soft touch momentary switch from small bear. So I was hoping someone knew of another method of getting rid of clicks with maybe transistors or something.


how do you have the momentary switch wired?  are you cutting the 9v supply with it or something?  if so thats your pop.  If you are using it for bypass then it should pop no differently than a normal switch especially with pull down resistors added.

not the man

the killswitch shorts the hot wire to ground.  It's a passive effect.  I noticed that the previous discussions in regards to kill switches end after someone says to add a pulldown, but nobody replies and says it works.  pulldowns don't fix this problem


so you have signal going in and a momentary switch in there to shunt your signal to GND?  cant you have it wired so your signal goes through the switch, and when you hit the switch it disconnects the signal?  the shunt to geound may be causing it.  Although I can see how a pull down resistor will help you as there are no caps here its just a switch

not the man

if I make a break in the hot wire, the pop will be worse than shorting to ground.  I dunno if the difference between a full signal and no signal is too great not to have some popping, or that the switch is noisy, but a pulldown resistor isn't working.  In case it matters, I tried using a 1 meg


right I really cant think why you would be getting a pop, so here's the deal you need to check your switch isnt bad.  can you use a jumper to short your signal to GND and see if you get a pop.  if you dont get a pop then thats it sorted a bad switch.  if you do still get a pop I have another idea.  also you should definately be trying this with your setup as follows Guitar====>Kill switch====>Amp.  AN outside chance is another pedal in your chain could be putting some DC onto signal and you wouldnt nessecary hear it unless you where doing what you are now.  Just a thought.  I have had pops in the past from a pedal that had a leaky cap and I blamed another pedal for ages till I realised

not the man

ok so the thing just stopped working for some reason, couldn't handle the rockin i guess.  I switched it with another momentary spst and there was no more pop.  I kinda jumped to conclusions too quickly on this one, but lazerous, thanks for the help, even if i wasn't the most compliant.