Handmade tubes video

Started by theblueark, January 05, 2008, 08:44:08 AM

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  That music is so casual...
  I want to film a Sci Phi Phlick in that Lab.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


This should blow the lid off of all the myth going around about how hard it was to make tube in those days or the secret formulas died with there owners ( I'm not saying they didn't have secrets).. I said it before and I will say it again. The ONLY REASON tubes are not made the way they used to is because they cant sell as many BOTTOM LINE folks. Its not EPA and its not that they cant reverse engineer old tubes. There is no such thing as EPA in Russia and or China and they could give a crap less about it.New tube don't have nowhere the vacuum the old tubes did and that is one reason that they don't last long. f you buy a new tube and it glows Blue U pretty much have junkie tubes they wont last long either the reason for the blue glow is it has to many impurities and not enough vacuum draw on the tube.The amount of vacuum in a tube makes all the deference in the world and it is the cheepest and easiest to manipulate.
It all comes down to the dollar amount 40 years ago things where made to last for years now their made to last a year after all it is a trow away world we live in.


He's just posing, look closley !



Wonderful video, thanks for the link!!

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That Vid was very interesting! 
Thanks for the link!  :D



Fantastic! Now that's DIY.  :icon_cool:

Concerning blue glow in tubes; I have an OS Mullard 6V6GT which has a nice blue glow. It's one of my BEST 6V6's - blue or not.  :icon_wink:


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