How many unfinished projects do you have?

Started by nbabmf, January 07, 2008, 09:25:21 AM

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Pedal-wise, there are 3 that need completion right now.

Next time I have the soldering iron out, I need to finish wiring up the new 5 way switching for my Tele (Deaf Eddie mod) and fix my LP... damn kid who replaced the pickups didn't know what he was doing!  Maybe I'll just duct tape the cluster of wires back to the pot instead of soldering it haha!  I'll eventually change the pickups in that anyways.  The ones in there now are too hot for my tastes.

In order to get my soldering iron out, I'll need a place to work.  Right now my dining room table has what will eventually become a coffee table on it.  Shit.


Ive got 12 effects on a shelf 80% done.....Im waiting for the cash to finish them off(certain components and enclosures).
I really did not plan it out, I just went crazy and started all those without thinking ::).
The good thing in this is when I finish them off, ill have a brand new pedalboard!
"Alas to those who die with their song still in them."


2  a rangemaster and a fuzztone fz-1 I need some good germs to finish them. The ones I have are low gain :-(  I guess I will use a few for germ buffers.
Class A booster , Dod 250 , Jfet booster, Optical Tremolo, Little Gem 2,  mosfet boost, Super fuzz , ESP stand alone spring reverb red Llama omni-drive , splitter blender ,

NEVER use gorilla glue for guitar repairs! It's Titebond , Elmers, or Superglue

Mark Hammer

At this point, over 50. :icon_sad:  Some from over 15 years ago.


Me too  :icon_redface:. At least half of them just need to be boxed.


I have at least 25 that just need to be boxed up.  I find that I really enjoy assembling the parts on the boards, but I don't enjoy wiring jacks, switches, and pots, so I have a tendency to procrastinate finishing the entire project.


Mark Hammer

Quote from: RickL on January 07, 2008, 10:59:09 AM
Me too  :icon_redface:. At least half of them just need to be boxed.
That's why I started converting to my modular format that I showed in the pictures thread.  The box, switch, and jacks is generally the most expensive part of the effect, and the planning out of what needs to go where so that you can close the lid around the board and battery without shorting anything is often one of the most difficult problems to solve.  Simply sticking stuff on a cheap faceplate with loads of free space behind it solves much of the problems.


Unfinished projects?

Exactly 8,372,234,327.

And six that I've been avoiding.

Please Lord, let them at least slow down for a while!   :icon_lol:

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Being a relative newbie to this wonderful hobby, I made the mistake of trying to use the smallest enclosures I could find, which makes it really difficult to fit stuff into the box without causing problems.  Going forward, I'm going to buy bigger enclosures and hopefully reduce some of the frustrations I've been having.



Quote from: R.G. on January 07, 2008, 11:30:31 AM
Unfinished projects?

Exactly 8,372,234,327.

And six that I've been avoiding.

Please Lord, let them at least slow down for a while!   :icon_lol:
Does that mean that your working on 8,372,234,321 projects!!!!????   sheeesh, vitamins, yoga, and a good pair of glasses is what I wish you for the new year!  OH and a great matress for your bed also :icon_mrgreen:
"Alas to those who die with their song still in them."


i probably have around 10 boards built up just waiting for a home. my supplies are getting so low that i'm starting to cannibalize a lot of them. it's a real shame. some of them never even had a chance. poor little guys.



6 or 7 unfinished projects that may never be finished (no clones). 5 clones that need to be boxed up. at least 5 repairs i haven't started yet.
visit for info on (allmost) every effect in the world!


Quote from: R.G. on January 07, 2008, 11:30:31 AM
Unfinished projects?

Exactly 8,372,234,327.

And six that I've been avoiding.

Please Lord, let them at least slow down for a while!   :icon_lol:

I'm with you. To be honest, I have at the very least, hundreds of built-up or partially done circuits sitting in bins in an eave near my workbench. These are going back to my first Anderton Tube Sound Fuzz going back to my middle school days in 1985, though.

I have a bunch of repairs in bins, awaiting my retirement years (in about 30 years, like I'll ever be able to afford to retire!) and bins and bins of nearly completed perfboard and etched projects that still need to be troubleshooted to make them work. I actually did a purge last year where I threw out a bunch of circuits that never worked, salvaging some reusable parts, but leaving the resistors and ceramic caps in the trash.

I have a couple of never-finished projects that have eluded me for years and years and years, and I get back to them once every year or so and still haven't made them happen. Those include my Paia Gnome that I would love to have working, a DIY Fender Blender from an old RG Keen PNP Blue PC design that never worked, and an Anderton Ring Modulator,

I must have built up a dozen perfboard op-amp Big Muffs going from my original (and working!) unit as a reference, finally getting one to work, yet still not sound as good as my original.

I don't even want to think of all the repairs that are awaiting my attention.

It's much much easier to name all the completed, boxed and working units that I've done in the last 20 years! That's probably closer to 25.



Quote from: R.G. on January 07, 2008, 11:30:31 AM
Unfinished projects?

Exactly 8,372,234,327.

And six that I've been avoiding.

Please Lord, let them at least slow down for a while!   :icon_lol:
zoinks! While I don't have quite that many, I have at least 5 24"X24"X12" boxes full of unfinished business. Some from 20 years ago..... I keep telling myself "I'll get back to that some day".  :icon_lol:
I started out with nothing... I still have most of it.


I don't know if I have "unfinished" projects as much as "used up" projects. I have a bunch of boards stuffed in a parts drawer of things I just got tired of. I wanted to use the enclosures for something else. I do have one that never worked right once I perfed it up (worked fine on the breadboard). And there's one more that I think I spent too much time on the breadboard with and neglected everything else. My hearing became biased or skewed or something.  Once it was all said and done and the build was completed it just didn't sound that good.
"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


1.  Tremulus Lune - as posted here (trouble shooting)

2.  BYOC 5-knob compressor (still in box)

3.  My take on the TS808 clone w/ GGG board (made a prototype that needs a little more tweaking first - so that's #4)

4.  See above

5.  Cut, strip, solder Lava mini ELC cables for my pedal board

6.  Drill and wire up a TB looper to sell on ebay (the Keely small size enclosure - but not the ridiculous $85 price tag)

7.  Drill and wire up a basic tap tempo switch in a very small enclosure to sell on ebay

8.  Make a channel switching switch w/ very small enclosure to sell on ebay

I need a drill press!


Probably twenty or so unboxed. All working, mounted on paper plates with blue-tack to hold the pots :)


Iv got about 6 pedals that just need special components like optocouplers or rare chips + offboard wiring and enclosure, theyv been unatended for almost 1 and 1/2 years while iv been concentrating on A/ graduating, B/ getting a job, C/building an amp.


When is a painting finished?
All the fx I've built all work and look good, but you could constantly tweek forever!
Now amps, that's a different story......probably half a dozen that need some work...