Reduce gain in BSIAB?

Started by stratcat, January 08, 2008, 12:14:02 AM

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I just got a BSIAB pedal with all 2n5457's and it still has too much gain for me and is too compressed. Can I just swap MPF102's for Q1 and Q2 for less gain without having to tweak anything else? Are there any other other lower gain jfets that will work?

Thanks in advance.


  It might be easier to just raise the values of R3 and R10 until you get the amount of gain your after.


The transistors are all socketed so swapping them out would be MUCH easier - no disassembly and soldering required. Of course I'm not sure if I would have to change the values of other components if I changed Q1 and Q2 to mpf102's.

  Replace actives with lower gain transistors.
  Increase R2 [similar to reducing guitar volume]
  decrease R1 [may dull HF's slightly].
  Increase R10.
  lift C3's [eliminating AC coupling reduces gain in freq specific way] increase R3 after that..or diddle with those values.
  Insert series resistance to the mu-amp outputs.
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