Univibe photocells

Started by yeeshkul, January 15, 2008, 05:15:12 AM

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at the moment they sell these types in my town:

10k / 1M
28k / 4.2M
75k / 5M

can be these usefull for UNivibe?


also, can i use 1uF film caps instead of electrolyte?

modified: i've foud the answer for the cap question at http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=61273.0



google: RoHS = Regulation of Hazardous Substance, what's that Gus?  ;D


I believe Cd is on the list.


All right, you mean the capacitors? They are sold here normally. So far. I found a great thread on this film / electrolyte topic and i very much found the answer there.
However, i still don't know if i can use any of the photocells they sell here. Not for ROHS reasons, i am not gonna sell it, it is ment to be a built i am gonna personally use.

The perfect photocell for Neovibe is mentioned in R.G's article as a photocell that have resistance less than 1k on light and more than 1M in dark. There is also aspect of a fast response, which i believe is ability to change the resistance quickly depending on pulsing light bulb. In shops they sometimes state things like: "it has more than 10M resistance measured 30minutes after dark". Well that doesn't help much.

so again the 3 photocells i can buy here have the following parameters (quickness of the response is unknown as there is no manual sheet attached to the items)
1. 10k resistance (light) / 1M resistance (dark)
2. 28k  resistance (light) /  4.2M resistance (dark)
3. 75k  resistance (light) /  5M resistance (dark)

is any of these photocells suitable for the Neovibe?
