Adding an LED to MXR EF...

Started by danymal_X, January 24, 2008, 12:12:51 PM

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I know I have seen it in the past, but I couldn't find anything when searching here and on the internet except for the Offboard Wiring diagrams from Tonepad... I have an older MXR Envelope Filter ( Early 70's? I don't know how to tell) and I would like to add a 3PDT and an LED. The diagram from Tonepad had a similar schematic but it included an AC jack, which I neither have nor want on this pedal.
The wire from the LED was shown going to one lug of the AC jack, and the wire from the 9v clip going the the other. The 9v wire to the board was connected to the same lug as the LED wire on the AC jack...
How would I make this work for me? Connect the wire from the battery clip and the led to the same point on the board? Is there a better schematic available that I somehow missed?




Dan, I know it's a different circuit,  but maybe this could be of any help in adding a 3PDT and a LED...Maybe you could figure it out yourself...Sorry for my "professional" layout...
Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!