gain boost/volume control switch

Started by nobodyknowswhereheis, February 01, 2008, 06:52:52 PM

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I'm trying to wire a 3pdt so that it is connected to a variable resistor that controls my gain and a volume pot so that pressing the switch will connect two additional pots identical to the gain and volume in series with the ones I am already using. so that I can boost my gain and control the volume to keep it getting too loud when the gain is boosted. I can't figure out how to wire it so I don't know if it will even work. any suggestions?


If what you want to do is to add variable resistors in series, this should be pretty straight forward, and if you're not using a LED indicator, a DPDT is all you need. Use one side of the switch for each pot as follows:  Unsolder the lead going to the input of the original pot, and solder it to the middle lug on the switch. Solder one of the outer lugs on the switch back to the input of the original pot. This will be your "unmodded" setting. Solder the other outer lug on the switch to the viper of the new pot, and lug 1 of that pot to the input of the original pot, alongside the lead from the other connection you made. This is your "modded" setting. In modded setting, the pots will be interactive, of course, and there will probably be an audible pop when engaging the modded setting if the effect is active – how much, depending between other things on the gain setting. For some people this makes such a mod unthinkable, but hey, I appreciate a warning when the long haired guy stomps into lead mode! Some great guitarists, Brian Robertson of Thin Lizzy comes to mind, even have developed a reckless elegance with great timing and a musical way of using switch popping in their gunslinger repertoire.

You're not posting any schematic or layout, but I would think to boost the gain, you'd have to reduce the resistance of the gain pot? If so, just connect the new pot across the input and output of the original gain pot to make an adjustable (and highly interactive) parallel resistance, that is; one lead from the input of the original pot to the middle lug of the switch, one outer lug on the switch to the viper of the new pot, lug 1 on the new pot back to the output lug of the original pot. The other outer lug on the switch is left unconnected to break the parallel resistance in "unmodded" setting.
Rockin' in the Axis of Evil


I built an MXR microamp that can be switched to a Distortion+ which is basically what you want to do.
I used a 3pdt which switches in the clipping diodes and changes the opamp feedback.
As mentioned a dpdt will work if you don't need an led.