Help needed with the Distortion plus Tonepad layout, multiple questions.

Started by 5AKERS, February 02, 2008, 04:06:53 PM

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I have a couple of questions about this build (my first).  I started out by ordering everything for the distortion + from the tonepad site including the circut board.  While I was waiting for the parts to get here I built the IC based overdrive (diy stompboxes site) on my breadboard and worked great I loved the tone.  I figured I could use the tonepad circut board but the parts were different from the IC based overdrive so I chose to just build the Dist.+ and I am not that impressed with the tone I am getting.  Well here are my questions.

(link to layout used

1.  I think I soldered in a wrong capacitor,  C3 calls fo a .001uF and I put in a .01uF.  What problems is this going to cause?
2.  I am wanting to use an LED to indicate wheather the effect is on or off.  I searched the archives but I am still lost (I am new at this circut work) I am using a DPDT switch.  I installed the LED and got it to work correctly, as far as effect on = LED on  effect off = LED off.  When I turn the effect on or off there is now a loud popping. 
3.  What would happen if I added 2 diodes to the distorton circut as it calls for on the overdrive circut?
4.  Does anyone have any prior experience with modding this circut?

Thanks in advance for any help.



1. c3 is a high frequency filter cap, it removes some of the unnecessary high frequencys, which is also why its such a low value, because you put .01uf, your removing alot more frequencies, and this might be whats making it sound crappy
2. dpdt and led? did you use millennium bypass or led trick? or do you mean 3pdt? well, that pop could be from 3 things, a faulty  switch, the led, or the input capcitor (c2). It is usually the capacitor, and its easily fixed by put a 1m or 2.2m resistor to ground before the input capacitor.
3. ???? it already has two diodes
4. no
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Yes, DPDT and trying to get an led to work with it.  Do I need to use millennium bypass?  I don't know LED trick????


if you want true bypass and and led, you need a 3pdt switch, a big blue switch with 3 rows of 3 lugs

dpdt can be wired true bypass with an led to, but it involves more circuitry
here are a few ways of doing it
simple bypass from Muzique

Millenium Bypass

Led Trick
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