How can I add a volume knob to a Feedback looper?

Started by sevenisthenumber, February 07, 2008, 07:07:28 PM

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I just made a feedback looper. I made it to always be a feedback looper with no option of just true bypass. I want to add a volume knob somehow to control the volume of the feedback.  As you know it can be reeaally loud at times and i just wanted a way to adjust the volume without effecting the feedback knob. Any help would be great!

The French connection

I know, but the pedal i built does not just increases volume!
My picture files:


If I want to alter this schematic in a way that the loop is always on, but when I hit the stompswitch the feedback kicks in, how would I do this? I just want the stompswitch, not the toggles. That way I can just put my fx in the loop, and let them go nuts with the feedback by hitting the stompswitch.
Quote from: frequencycentral
You squeezed it into a 1590A - you insane fool!  :icon_mrgreen:
Quote from: Scruffie
Well this... this is just silly... this can't fit in a 1590B... can it? And you're not even using SMD you mad man!


yep there is

the switch breaks the feedback between the send and return, turning the feedback loop into an fx loop
plus the output volume pot is there (100k 500k 50k whatever, taper doesnt matter)

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