Breadboards (And how to easily use them)

Started by Baktown, March 11, 2008, 10:53:08 PM

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Greetings all!

I know on this forum we tend to talk more about perfboard, stripboard, and PCB layouts, but I finally decided I need to learn to use my breadboard.  My first attempt looked like a mess, plus it didn't work, so it got me thinking about breadboard layouts for the creatively challenged builders like me.  I like to experiment with mods, but it's a little cumbersome once the components have already been soldered in place.

Do any of you guys make copies of your BB layouts, and if so, would you be willing to share any?

Thanks in advance!

Rock on!

Rick J


I second this! Oh and when I start using my breadboard, which I have been wanting to, I will be sure to post em, probably in a gallery that will come eventually.
Carvin CT6M > > JCM800 4010

The tools of the artist give you a chance to twist and bend the laws of nature and to cut-up and reshape the fabric of reality - John Frusciante


My Breadboarding so far hasn't been the neatest.

What it *does* do is give me a chance to make (many) rough sketches of what connects to where - which is pretty my a stripboard layout as far as I can see.

I'd start with something like a Fuzz Face, or single tranny booster.

Next challenge for me will be some sort of optical trem, most probably using someone else's schematic - as that part still confuses me...
Happiness is a warm etchant bath.


Have you checked out the gaussmarkov IC-based Overdrive breadboard project, on this very forum?  ;D


What do you mean "layout"? There's no "layout" involved, you just wire sh*t up on the fly with a breadboard. That's the whole point.

There should be 2 (3 in some cases) busses for running power and ground. Buzz it out with your meter to figure out how they are oriented and you're good to go.
"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


I just started on my breadboard as well. In my early tries I  started with the transistors in place and worked my way out, checking and double checking as I went. I also tried to stretch it out as much as possible so I could see it easier as well as swap things in and out quickly. that seemed to work OK. I recently created a excel file that has a grid system just like the board so I can lay it out on paper first. I like using that just to get a rough idea. I can email the template for it if you're interested.


Let me get this straight...

You guys are actually drawing up layouts for how arrange components on a breadboard for experimenting?

Wow... It must take you a long time.
"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


When I first started serious breadboarding, I also took a lot of  time and made loads of mistakes. (I still make loads of mistakes). What is readily apparent to the seasoned veteran is confusing and error prone as heck to the neophyte.

Getting your head around the concept of translating a schematic (abstract) to the breadboard (concrete) takes time. After a while you start to develop Design Patterns, a concept common in the software world. For example, after wiring a VRef voltage divider 200 times, it became second nature to me. Similarly, you start to memorize the pinouts for transistors and opamps and it becomes easy to quickly breadboard an opamp: power here, ground there, in, out etc.

I don't think you'll find much in the way of "layouts" per se for the breadboard, because they are designed for prototyping and swapping things around for testing and listening. However, there are lot's of problems that you'll solve and learn from as you go along.

Some general thoughts:
1. It's always good to have a nice long Supply + and Supply Ground line. Most breadboards make this easy, just connect + to one of the long busses and - to another long buss. Easy access to supply +/- makes everything easier.

2. Try thinking in a two dimensional grid. Lay things out component first, then try and get a short length wire between components. Breadboards make it easy to string things out over acres with lots of long wires, but that can lead to noise and oscillation.

3. As you find yourself doing the same thing over and over, take a moment to either draw it on paper or computer and add it to your bag of Design Patterns. I've found that drawing something out really reinforces it for me and makes it stick in my head.

4. Breadboard jumper cables wear out. They get all munged and crooked and the ends will munge the breadboard holes. If you do a lot of breadboarding, replace jumpers often. Also the breadboard itself will wear out. I think R.G. said something along the lines of breadboards are like underwear, they need to be changed often.

5. I like to keep a box of breadboard only components. The leads are cut short to make breadboarding easier.

6. Nothing beats a bench power supply. You can buy one (wait, this is a DIY site, so build one instead.)

Hope that is of some use.

My 2 cents anyway.


Quote from: DougH on March 12, 2008, 09:14:16 AMYou guys are actually drawing up layouts for how arrange components on a breadboard for experimenting?

Yes, it's called a schematic.  ;D  :D


Quote from: DougH on March 12, 2008, 09:14:16 AM
Let me get this straight...

You guys are actually drawing up layouts for how arrange components on a breadboard for experimenting?

Wow... It must take you a long time.

It also takes time to trouble shoot your breadboard when you've screwed something up. I like to take a schematic to work with me and do a quick breadboard layout on the train in. Helps me become familiar with the circuit and saves me a little time at the bench. I'm sure once I become more competent I won't do it any longer, but for now I think it's a good exercise.


I guess I don't understand this "schematic translation" problem with a bread board. Because I just lay it out exactly like the schematic. IC pin outs may screw that up a little but with discrete transistors you can put the components on the bread board just like the schematic. That's the beauty of it to me. You have a lot more room than on a circuit board, so you can be as inefficient as you want. I don't trim leads, etc, nothing. I just use a paper copy of the schematic and plug stuff into the board, just like it looks on the schematic. Why throw another translation step in there when you don't need it?

"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


Be aware that breadboards are best thought of as a house of cards. You can get small structures balanced and working fairly easily, but big concoctions need constant care and fiddling to keep them going. As well as a lot of breath-holding.  :icon_biggrin:

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Yeah, fuzz circuits are one thing but don't try building a discrete computer on a breadboard. You will just get frustrated...  :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen:
"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


Virtual Breadboards

This one is on-line from Music From Outer space.
Good for showing simple ideas

This one you download. Not sure about it but its free.

Hey Dano, how's your MFOS sub commander coming along?

It's time to buy a gun. That's what I've been thinking.
Maybe I can afford one, if I do a little less drinking. - Fred Eaglesmith


Thanks for all the responses!

I didn't mean to stir up a controversy over this, I'm just trying to elicit some ideas and basic rules of thumb to use when prototyping a circuit.



No controversy here. I'm just trying to understand the problems.

The virtual idea looks like a good one if you need help getting started. It looks fast and that's what you want.
"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


Yeah, don't worry about it.  What controversy?   ;D

I just saw some great info so I'm glad you thought about bringing it up!  That virtual BB above is a fantastic tool! 
The people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living.


Quote from: Baktown on March 12, 2008, 01:29:10 PM
I didn't mean to stir up a controversy over this, I'm just trying to elicit some ideas and basic rules of thumb to use when prototyping a circuit.

I just successfully breadboarded my first circuit the other night. It was Dragonfly's VM Fuzz, which is relatively simple. I did have to move things around a few times to get it to work properly, but I feel pretty good about how it turned out (in fact, it sounded better on the breadboard than it did when I transfered it to perf!).

I think the best way to get started is to first understand how the breadboard terminals are connected, and then to just hammer away at simple circuit until it works. I think the LPB would be pretty easy.

Just from doing that one circuit, I know have a better understanding of how schematics relate to final layouts. I also had some really great "ah-ha!" moments that got the wheels turning.

I say just start hacking away.


QuoteI say just start hacking away.

Exactly. Thank you.

"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


Quote from: Baktown on March 11, 2008, 10:53:08 PM
Greetings all!

I know on this forum we tend to talk more about perfboard, stripboard, and PCB layouts, but I finally decided I need to learn to use my breadboard.  My first attempt looked like a mess, plus it didn't work, so it got me thinking about breadboard layouts for the creatively challenged builders like me.  I like to experiment with mods, but it's a little cumbersome once the components have already been soldered in place.

Do any of you guys make copies of your BB layouts, and if so, would you be willing to share any?

Thanks in advance!

Rock on!

Rick J
A couple of things:

1. It's called a 'Breadboard' for a reason. It's for experimentation, not 'use'.
2. If you start with a neat layout, it'll be a mess by the time you are 'finished'.
3. The 'tighter' you make it to start, the more difficulty you will have with it when trying mods.
4. Complicated designs are very tough. I use it primarily to test bits and pieces alone. Like an LFO alone, a filter, an amplifier stage, tone control, etc.

For simple guidelines:

1. The rows that are in pairs are for power supply rails.
2. Bypass, bypass, bypass.
3. Keep some space between stages, most of the tweaking is done between them.
4. Bypass, bypass, bypass.
5. try to keep the signal flowing in one direction. 

Some more advanced things:

1. Build a 'header' out of aluminum or something on which you can install jacks, switches, battery, power jack, etc. with wires attached that can be run onto/off-of the bread board. These things hanging loose cause more problems than anything else because of the lack of mechanical support.
2. Buy a spool of solid core wire of the right gauge and cut it as you use it. Save pieces from previous projects. Eventually you'll end up using the long pieces for everything but power supplies.

Otherwise, start with something simple, get it working, experiment with changing it. You will very soon understand how things can get messy in a hurry.

just my $0.02.

I started out with nothing... I still have most of it.