VTL5C3 for Tremulus Lune ?

Started by Krinor, March 31, 2008, 02:57:06 AM

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I need a new tremolo and thought I'd try out the Tremulus Lune.
I see from the layout over at tonepad that a VTL5C2 is suggested.
I've got a VTL5C3 here and wondered if I might use that ?

(I have no experience with LED/LDR's etc, so please forgive the imbesile question.  :icon_rolleyes: If anyone knows of a good, brief learning resource - please share)


just and idea...  you might use sockets for the connections of the photoresistor so you can experiment.  Also don't forget to try a "homemade" version(led and LDR together in heat-shrink tubing).  you can try LDR's with different specs to get different sounds.