Metal stand offs touching circuit

Started by gutsofgold, April 12, 2008, 05:06:09 PM

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Has anyone come across small plastic washers that would work with the metal stand offs that small bear sells?

It seems like all my pcb layouts have part of the circuit path too close to the stand off whole, so that when screwed down the stand off either shorts two paths that shouldnt be shorted or usually it connects a path to ground. I like my builds to be permanent and take some abuse and the metal standoffs seemed like a good option. Any suggestions?


I seem to recall seeing nylon washers specifically for stand offs at my local rs, Have you tried there??
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your local hardware store should have selection of rubber washers or maybe a hobby store. assuming that the screw doesn't touch the trace a washer is the best solution i can think of right now. rylan


Australia's version of Rat Shack (Jaycar) have nylon versions of the threaded standoffs. Maybe go looking for nylon standoffs instead?


Look for Nylon Shoulder Washers/Bushing. You can get them to fit various sizes of screws and with different shoulder depths. Picture from Digikey.

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