An exercise in recycling: my prototyping rig

Started by earthtonesaudio, April 22, 2008, 10:54:36 AM

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Prototyping rig made from 99% junk parts.  The only "new" parts were the DC jack, and the voltage regulator board.  Everything else was salvaged or recycled.

It can accept tip (+) or (-) DC inputs, and it has adjustable voltage, banana plugs for monitoring voltages with the multimeter, 7 pots with solid core wire for plugging into the breadboard, guitar in/out with bypass, and it's all mounted on a piece of 3/8 plywood so I can pick the whole thing up and move it without things dangling and getting caught on stuff.

Salvaged parts include: plywood base, steel stud enclosure, pots, switches, in/out jacks, banana jacks, terminal strips, wire and (not shown) knobs.

I also left room inside for a headphone amp, probably a noisy cricket, eventually.

Notice the use of steel stud enclosure?  I could have used the wire brush to make it shiny, but I wanted to get this done ASAP.  It works great!


Nice job.  :icon_wink:

I never got around to building something like for my breadboard. It's still a mess of wires, pots, jacks and other assorted crap flying around all over the place. I can make it all work though. Someday I'll build up a rig like yours.
"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


I knew I was not alone with the "assorted crap flying all over the place" phenomenon.  I did this mostly out of necessity, as I have a wife with a sharp dislike of the dining room table covered in electronics junk. :)

But it's not just for her... since it's so much easier to breadboard circuits now, I do it more often, which is great!


very impressive!  I tried to do something like that... it was going well until the bowl of cereal and soy milk landed on top.  :icon_redface:

"I've traveled the world and never seen a statue of a critic."    -  Leonard Bernstein


  Can you post pics so I can see this flying crap method ?
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


My camera's shutter speed is too slow to accurately capture the essence of the flying crap method.  :(