Valve Caster Trouble

Started by Albot, April 23, 2008, 02:48:19 PM

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Im using the schematic from
I tried posting in that thread but i itch real bad to get this to work and i don't seem to get an answer there anytime soon.

My heaters run at full voltage (9.0 from pin 5 to 4).
I got pin 5 directly connected to R2 (220k) on the opposite side of pin 1 on the tube socket, is that the problem?
Seems like it's set up like that in the layout

I skipped the tone controll and the only substitutions are a film cap for output cap and an ECC85 as tube (not put in when messuring voltages).


well, that layout has been used successfully
you might have something shorting somewhere
check around real close,

oh wait, just figured it out
the ecc85 is a 6 volt heater tube (6aq8 as its also known)
your giving it 9 volts at the heater!

you need to get a 12v heater tube
they all have the same pinout and can be used in the valve caster
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Well i thougt about that and according to my understainding the 12au7 (as specefied in the schematic) is only to be used with 12v at the center tap (pin 9) although that pin is left out in the schematic and the tube should be used with the pin 5 - 4 with a maximum of 6.3v.

The only thing with the ECC85 is that it doesent have center tap but it does have the connections used (as i understaind it).

Iv'e been checking for shorts pretty thurogly but i guess i might need to sleep on it.

I figgured maybe R2 and R3 made up some kind of voltage or current divider that i screwed up.

I could do some messurements tomorrow but are they worth anything if i don't have the tube in there?


Quote from: ambulancevoice on April 23, 2008, 05:18:52 PM
oh wait, just figured it out
the ecc85 is a 6 volt heater tube (6aq8 as its also known)
your giving it 9 volts at the heater!

you need to get a 12v heater tube
they all have the same pinout and can be used in the valve caster
I think this was mentioned in the original Valvecaster thread where you mentioned these problems. You really do need to drop in a 12au7 and then diagnose the problems. Get the circuit working with the tube that the circuit was designed for and then try other tubes after it's functional. It'll be much easier for everyone to help you when we're all on the same page and using the proper parts. After all, I really want to see your reaction when you get it working! It's a beautiful thing!


ok, I'll do that when i get money.
guess ill try to look for shorts untill then. :P


Quote from: Albot on April 23, 2008, 06:45:13 PM
Well i thougt about that and according to my understainding the 12au7 (as specefied in the schematic) is only to be used with 12v at the center tap (pin 9) although that pin is left out in the schematic and the tube should be used with the pin 5 - 4 with a maximum of 6.3v.

nope, the opposite
for 12.6v you just use 4 and 5
for 6.3v you wire 4 and 5 in parallel and use pin 9 as the other connection (its a center tap)

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