I want to comission an ABY custom switching box

Started by mattpocket, April 25, 2008, 03:22:32 AM

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Hey Guys,

I'm based in the UK, and I've built a few pedals myself in the past, but unfortunately, I just dont have the time nowadays.

I want to run two amps live, I will be using a Mesa Single Rec which is a dual channel amp, and an orange tiny terror which is single channel. I want to be able to run both amps at the same time, but have the option of changing the channel on the mesa and reducing the input volume (a la clean machine) on the tiny terror, to achieve a clean sound.

So it'll look something like this.

I want to be able to choose between the mesa and the orange on their own, and then overide this switch with the Y switch that will run the mesa and the orange at the same time, I'd also want to be able to do something like this:

Say in a verse I was using the mesa on it's own, and then in the chorus I wanted to use both amps, and then when I come back out of the chorus I want to use the orange on it's own. I'd envisage this working by being able to change the left hand switch status to the orange during the chorus while both amps are active, then when I disengage the left hand switch it would route the signal to the orange. That sounds fairly simple.

The orange is single channel so I'd need to route the signal through a volume knob that I'd want to be able to set to a suitable level, like a clean machine type set-up. I'd like some kind of tone cap on this to prevent losing treble. The middle switch is to change both amps from clean to dirty. The mesa uses a footswitch so I'd need a footswitch out jack socket that I can just plug a speaker lead or guitar lead into, and then into the back of my head. 

I want all three switches close enough together so I can press the middle switch at the same time as the outside switch so that I can change the amp routing and the amp channel with one foot. But obviously, I'm going to be on stage jumping round like a looney so I need them to be in just the right place so I can press one or two switches without making a mistake.

I'm also aware that there are problems with running two amps at the same time that will mean the Y setting would need some kind of buffer or something similar to stop this causing issues.

If anyone would like to build this for me I am happy to pay good money, so just name your price. And if anyone knows of any better ways for me to achieve the same effect with an easier switching arrangement, please feel free to explain.


Built: LofoMofo, Dist+, Active AB Box, GGG 4 Channel Mixer, ROG Omega
On the Bench:Random Number Generator, ROG Multi-face, Speak & Spell
My Pop-Punk Band - www.myspace.com/stashpocket


my life is a tribute to the the great men and women who held this country together when the world was in trouble. my debt cannot be repaid, but i will do my best.