Momentary switch for Ibanez Soundtank Tremolo

Started by distorto, May 08, 2008, 01:22:24 AM

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I'm rehousing an Ibanez Sountank tremolo and was wondering if this switch would work to replace the cheesy little existing switch that has gone south (Deoxit won't even bring it back):

I've searched the soundtank threads and found one person that used a switch that resembled the one I linked to but I'm not 100% sure if it's it.

Also, the speed pot is listed as 500KC (reverse taper). It seems to bunch up all the usable speeds at the end of the pot's travel (nothing usefull under 12:00) could there be a better choice to distribute the speeds more evenly? No biggie if not. It works but once you get to about 3:00 the tiniest of tweak shifts the speed considerably.

Thanks in advance for any insight.




Glad to hear it.  And Ibanez uses a lot of 'interesting' choices for their tapers.  You could try a B taper pot and see if that improves things. 



Thanks again. I think I will try a B pot. As it is now all the useable speeds are bunched up at the last quarter of the pot's travel and the tiniest of turns yields a BIG change in speed there. I haven't rehoused this yet as I want to make sure it's worthy of the trouble. I did drill through the foot pad and add the momentary switch jut to get it working.  It sounds pretty good and the volume control is a real plus. It could be a little warmer though. Do you know if changing the input cap to a larger value would help knock back a little bit of the brightness? It's not bad but a tad bright. I don't have a schematic and I'm a super noob...would the input cap be the very first cap in the signal path? There's a .047uf there.

Thanks once again for taking the time to respond to this elementary super noob post!


You could increase the input coupling cap...but that won't really tame the brightness so much as increase the bass.  You could shunt some of the highs to ground with a small cap (you'd have to experiment with the value, but .001uf might be a place to start?  I'd try placing that at the output of the effect to ground.  You'll want to put that before the output buffer though otherwise it'll affect the sound when the effect is off.  You could also try shunting it at the input, but I think it'll have a better result at the output.  But try experimenting. 

I don't know if I've ever seen the 5 series tremolo schematic,  but it would be kind of helpful as to where to place the cap. 



I actually found that the tremolo sounds fine. It was just a matter of figuring where to place it on the pedalboard. It sounded bright when placed after my TS9. It sounds great earlier in the chain. It's definitely worthy of better pots, jacks. switch and enclosure so that's what I'll do.

Thanks again