loop strip kits?

Started by emitter, May 08, 2008, 11:31:13 PM

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i already have an lpb1 booster so i think my first project will be one of those true bypass strips with a tuner out, led's too, let me know if you've seen these as kits somewhere, ty



Even if they don't have a kit I bet you could convince them to send out DIY parts.

But there isn't that many parts to order.
You could get everything but the T enclosure through Aron's store and paypal. Easy Peasy

There are a couple of other web suppliers selling powder coated T enclosure and I think its worth every penny.
Spray painting sucks, it chips. Powder coat tough, no chips.

A LPB1 in a loop strip is a great idea BTW

Good luck with the strip
It's time to buy a gun. That's what I've been thinking.
Maybe I can afford one, if I do a little less drinking. - Fred Eaglesmith


ah perfect, pre drilled even i'll start with that

yeah powder coat is nice

i'll get a unibit and drill my own later i want to start out as easy as possible...