Weird Pot Behaviour, anyone ever had this? (FIXED)

Started by Barcode80, May 10, 2008, 11:00:25 PM

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So, i built a King of Tone clone and put it in a box with an lpb, which i've already done once before. works great on the first one i built. the KOT circuit sounds great and works fine, but the volume pot for the lpb was doing something wierd. when i would turn it on, it wouldn't sound quite right and didn't really offer any significant boost. also, if i turned the lpb volume all the way up, it would cut out all of a sudden at the end of the rotation. so i thought something was wrong with my lpb circuit. so i replaced it with an amz mini-booster. same problem. so then i replaced the pot with another. same probelm. any ideas? i also thought i may have messed up the switch wiring (originally i had wired it for millenium bypass) but even after i moved to the standard bypass configuration, i still get the same problem. i have never seen this happen in the 3 years i have been building. any thoughts?

EDIT: Nevermind, i guess i accidentally found out what happens when you switch lug 2 and lug 1's connections  :icon_redface: