I'm about to do my first couple of builds

Started by Exactopposite, May 11, 2008, 11:51:10 AM

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I've been kinda wanting to do it for a long time but it kept getting put off for various reasons. I went to school to be an electronics tech, but i haven't worked in that field  since about 7 years ago. So i know my way around a schematic, but I'm out of practice. I've never been into using pedals (i only own about 5) but building and experimenting with them seems like a fun thing to do.

So anyway, I bought the GGG tubescreamer and fuzzface kits and a couple of wah circuit boards. I got a bunch of parts coming from small bear, and futurlec, so after i finnish with the kits and the wahs, I've got plenty of parts around to  do more builds. I think it's great that there is such a community of people into building and modding pedals. I look forward to being a part of the community going forward.

While i'm at it i want to ask a couple of things instead of making another post. 
#1 If anyone is aware of any linux software for doing board layouts or schematics I'd love to hear about it.
#2 I'd like to get a few of carbon comp resistors. 47k, 82k and 100k. I forgot to get them when i ordered everything else. I'm modding a thomas organ colorsound, so I want to go with carbon comps just so they'll be like the rest of the resistors on the board. If somebody has got some maybe we can trade some parts or something.


EAGLE Light is available for Linux (and free as in beer).  There's also the gEDA suite, which includes an interface to spice.  Finally, the layout editor that this forum's own bancika has been working on (see the "DIY Layout Creator..." sticky thread) has been moved into Java, so it can be run under Linux now (still in development, though).


Quote from: mdh on May 11, 2008, 01:12:50 PM
EAGLE Light is available for Linux (and free as in beer).  There's also the gEDA suite, which includes an interface to spice.  Finally, the layout editor that this forum's own bancika has been working on (see the "DIY Layout Creator..." sticky thread) has been moved into Java, so it can be run under Linux now (still in development, though).

Great thanks for the info. I have xp in a dual bot setup on one of my machines but it's rare for me to boot into it. I pretty muh have an all linux household.