MXR Distortion+ - Has anyone had success building?

Started by RDV, August 20, 2003, 09:26:43 PM

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I mean of course in terms of sound as I realize that it's not that complicated of a build. I love the way they sound through a Marshall, but never bought one or anything, so I thought I'd have a go at constructing me own. Any tips, thoughts, rumors, inuendoes :?:  :lol:




I did a clone for a friend of mine. I used the layout at tonepad ( but I build it on perfboard using the layout. It an easy build. You can sace yourself a pot. He always uses it on max gain

The sound quality is often discussed. Jim Jones once send me a schem of the Memphis Distortion (If I remember well), a modified Dist+, which should sound better. Unfortunately I lost the schem in a recent hard disk crash (Jim are you listening :D ). Also the New CLipper on Runoffgroove is a Dist+ clone.

You can try changing the output cap from 1uF to 4,7uF or 10uF.

A popular mod is to increase the output pot from 10k to 50k or 100k. This will increase the output level.

ANd off course you can always play with the clipping diodes (germanium in the original Dist+)

Good luck!


Jonas H

You could use LEDs for clipping diodes. They're even smoother than germanium ones.

/Jonas H

Thomas P.

I included sockets for two diodes in each direction. It's kind of usefull to get your favorite setting.

god said...
∇ ⋅ D = ρ
∇ x E = - ∂B/∂t
∇ ⋅ B = 0
∇ x H = ∂D/∂t + j
...and then there was light


Overall, I'd recommend the part values of the DOD 250, same circuit, just slightly better tuned IMHO.  To me it sounds  a little better.  As mentioned, red LED clippers sound pretty good in this circuit.

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Is there a difference between the small 3v red L.E.D. and the larger 12v as clippers :?:



Jim Jones

Hey Joep,

Yep, the Memphis was from me.  :)

Searching through Aron's schematics awhile ago I noticed that the Coron 10 is essentially the same as the Memphis Distortion.  Check it out here

If I remember correctly the Memphis only used a 100K gain pot, though.

Hope this helps some!


Paul Marossy

I built the New Clipper at
It sounds pretty cool, and it was an easy build.



I would suggest you try one LED and one silicon or germanium diode for some asymmetrical distortion, plus more output.

The Warp control at AMZ is also cool to play with. :twisted:
Stomping Out Sparks & Flames

Arno van der Heijden

Anybody else who thried the Distortion+ against the DOD overdrive?


It's a nice circuit (prefer the DOD, just my goofy hears point of view) but you have to tweak a bit with various IC too.

    I wonder if someone here try an asymetrical 1N914/red Led clipping and if the more clipped waveform should be negative or positive.

    I do not have good sounding results with a diode control (aka warp control), it seems to remove some clarity/attack caracteristic.

 Tom :roll:


I built and boxed in one night! I used the DOD circuit, but kept the 1uf cap on the output like the Dist+. I used a green LED on one and 2 1N4148 on the other for assymetrical clipping. It's really smooth like this, I don't think I'm going to mess with it other than maybe upping the output cap a bit, maybe 2.2uf, but I don't think I'll use the 4.7uf, I likes a bit of zing :!:  I'm going to bed now(@ 5:00 in the morning), and to all a good night.



Next is the Freddy Fuzz!  :P


The other Forum the first page that comes 'tips and mods', and look at some suggested diose placement cobinations...I 'rail' each side of a 6-8 pin IC socket [one side top of doides the other at gnd. ...makes it easy to insert differnet diode configs. ...IMO a good idea for the first Dist+ type build...for any reason / I like the New Clipper [two of the 5 Dist+ type build of mine are the NC] but it's just a 'taste bud' type DIFference.
 I socket the incap [obliviously the OA] and the diodes 'slots'.... with these you can find the 'match' that you and your system prefer.
 Many years ago I had to play with no Distortion [ouch!!!]...My MXR got unplugged at a gig, and when I looked to see what the problem that was causeing the 'live cable tip in the carpet' sound / there it wasn't ... all that was there were the bad vibes a thief had left.
 It was a trip down memory lane having the Dist+ plus again [cloned] ... it caused whole blocks of memory to resurface at the prompting of the ckts tones...the sounds took me back and I began playing riffs/songs from decades before!!!
 Moral of the story: strap your stuff down to the pedal board at fast moving, crowded gigs...the increased filching time and need for criminal tools could well thwart any thieves prospects of capitolizing on your valued equipment!!!

hank reynolds 3rd

maybe something that sprays cs gas,pepper spray,pure ammonia etc if a jack is unplugged.... :evil:  :evil:


The problem I have tweaking at home is I play through a little LM386 type amp here, but a Marshall half-stack at the gigs. I think what I've got going with this sounds real good here, but I've got to reserve final judgement for the gig 2-nite. I gotta tell ya though, I really that type of refined, un-grainy type of distortion this thing gets, and it's fun to watch the green LED flicker when I play(what I did till 5:00 this morning before I boxed it). If anything, I may go with all LEDs, but like I said, I like it pretty well right now(one little green LED & two 1N4148s), it sounds better to me than the sound samples I've heard on this type of pedal.



Arno van der Heijden

I finished my DOD overdrive 250 (from tonepad) yesterday, but it needs some tweaking. The problem is that it turns fret buzz into nasty crackling noises.
I guess I need to tame the highs a little. What would be the best way to achieve this: (1) the 10 pF (will a 22 pF work?) in the feedback loop, or (2) the 0.001 uF cap to ground on the input?


QuoteWhat would be the best way to achieve this: (1) the 10 pF (will a 22 pF work?) in the feedback loop, or (2) the 0.001 uF cap to ground on the input?

I used 22pF and had no such problems. I think it's a must for that cap, rather than an option. Try that first and let us know. You shouldn't have to do anything else if your wiring is right.




QuoteWhat would be the best way to achieve this: (1) the 10 pF (will a 22 pF work?) in the feedback loop, or (2) the 0.001 uF cap to ground on the input?

This is difficult...If you're sure that the noise is originating from a high frequency noise that you're making with the guitar, then increase the value of the 0.001uF cap (try 0.0022uF).  But if you are getting too much gain and high frequency "garbage" from the pedal, you'll need to cut the highs in either the feedback loop (try 100 to 220pF - a 22pF cap won't do anything that a 10pF couldn't do) or after the chip (try 0.0022 to ground).

Have fun!
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)


I've built like 4 Dist+ [looking to solve the MXR 'mystery].
 Both New Clippers [one had a bias pot at the OA input IIRC.
 And a DOD 250.
 Been a while, I was doing pretty good with one of those [DP's or NC's, but I agree about the DOD 250's tuning...I read that once, then built the DOD to compare and agree....
 Does the Sonic Distortion count as comparable here? Kind of the same thing I think,,,and sounds AGOB [IMO] as any of them...and is more or less the same parts count and difficulty...I don't hear much about them, TS's get all the commenties...but as far as a heavy Diode clipper sound, the SD is a worthy contestant for's my diode clipper of choice for the amp and guitars...actually quite nice ... surprized me..
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


did you use the GGG schemo for your sonic dist build? i finished etching a board, but i havn't populated it yet. are there any heads up or mods i should be aware of on this one..? i plan on using it for solo's... instead of the rodent/rat...
be well,