shielding wires?

Started by fogwolf, June 12, 2008, 11:17:47 AM

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In my reading I've seen a few mentions of needing to shield your wires. For example, in the voltage doubler article ( it says:

As the picture shows, you need to shield your input wires or else you might get a "whine" in your pedal signal.

I don't see this in the picture there. There's just a caption that says "MUST shield input wires from jack to switch, switch to PCB.

How do you do this?



Here's a pretty good link explaining the shielded wire connections:



I did a search, coz I knew I remembered seeing it "shielding tutorial"  and found this thread:  Follow the link by John Lyons.

Have fun!
Master Learner


oh, well.  I was too slow to post :icon_wink:.
Master Learner


Thanks for the replies!!

Quote from: tranceracer on June 12, 2008, 01:24:24 PM
Here's a pretty good link explaining the shielded wire connections:
