Searching for a good recovery stage

Started by Darkness, Darkness, June 24, 2008, 03:38:57 PM

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Darkness, Darkness


I am searching for a good clean recovery stage in order to compensate for tonestack loss (I am using somekind of Marshall 1959 tonestack after a distortion circuit...just before the output). What would you recommend ?

I've read in previous posts that it would be better to boost before the tonestack rather than after. In that case the boost stage should be OK to handle the level output of 4 previous distortion gain stage...

Is it better/required to used op amps ? I've seen the tonemender, but I must say I would prefer to avoid op amps for that design if possible (but I'm happy with op amps most of the time elsewise   ;) )

I must admit that I've tried a LBB2 design with a 2N4401/24V power supply without much success.... if it works great on its own,  it distorts too much after the distortion circuit.... I am currently trying to look at the math behind but that's far  :icon_redface:.... pretty sure the biasing of the transistor is not suitable for the power voltage and input level... Also the input impedance might not match the output impedance of the distorsion circuit  ???

Thanks in advance  :)


I must admit that I've tried a LBB2 design with a 2N4401/24V power supply without much success.... if it works great on its own,  it distorts too much after the distortion circuit.... I am currently trying to look at the math behind but that's far  .... pretty sure the biasing of the transistor is not suitable for the power voltage and input level... Also the input impedance might not match the output impedance of the distorsion circuit
  the circuit that tends to get first mention for an application like this ist he BMP stage after teh BMP tonestack.
  I would think with 24v supply, the headroom would be sufficient for the transistor output to have room to do mostly clean boosting without a lot of clipping...not being the one for this type of design work...
  I would think there's sufficient output, therefore attenuating the input to the recovery stage might be an option.
  But really I'm only saying all that because I would think:
  For a guitar amp input, if the tonestack output is too low, a 24v bipolar gain circuit shouldn't have trouble relatively cleanly amplifying that as an input level, perhaps the LPB isn't as clean as you'd like, or there's some other readon for the distortion.
  All other things being 'correct' and even, Mosfet booster would get the greatest clean-ness and high output, Mini-booster will distort, perhaps in a complimentary way...
  I would first measure the bias on the LPB, then compare the schematic to that of the BMP's last gain stage...
  My exp. with bipolars as a last stage [with fuzz before it] is that they tend to sound 'hard' to harsh compared with say an 'easy' Jfet or Minibooster or Mosfet, however I may have attributed this to the large input voltage and 9v supply voltage.
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