convert unregulated wallwart to regulated ... can I do this ?

Started by Derringer, July 04, 2008, 10:15:11 AM

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I looked at GGG's  schems and I want to know if I can do this with the PS that I currently have (~14v rated 500mA)  ...

I went with the LM317 design because, at least according to RatShack online, RS does not stock the 7089.

I'm assuming that there would be no need to re-rectify the power so would I be ok with the schem I pieced together?



i just did the same as this on a 24v wall wart with a lm7824 and it killed a lot of the hum and it's pretty simple.
i think a lm7809 from futurlec is like 0.39$

you can also try looking here
Built=SHO,DOD 250,Atari punk console,Fuzz Factory,Easy Vibe,Burning Crunch,Modded Vm fuzz (2n5088+bmp tonestack),Wah Probe,Wooly Mammoth,Eternity,Big Muff Tri
Up Next = ???
Eventually = Firefly, rackmount L5 preamp




and as fate would have it ... I am in the midst (seriously right this minute) of negotiating items on a futurlec order!


  One of the best 'for use with effect' purchases I ever made was teh Spyder all the tidbits [regulators etc.] to go with it.
  I used the 'dangling legs' wiring for the DC outputs.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.