How to mod Roland Micro Cube?

Started by served, July 16, 2008, 05:37:05 PM

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I own a Roland micro Cube amp (2W) and i was wondering if there are any modifications for it.
I dont like the line-out sound and it feels like R-Fier is with reverb, it just echoes a little. Is there somekindof simulator or something? I mostly use my Cube to greate efects and connect it with my 2x60W Yamaha amp. throuch the Rec-out to Yamaha's input.
And i was wandering if I could add a footswitch to efects section? Echo/reverb - on/off. and the EFX knob on/off ?


Yes there is:
Bass enhancing must be bypassed to connect an other speaker/cab , otherwise will sound boomy, they did put a bass booster in there to compensate for the small size of the cab/speaker.
Switching: it has been done, I've seen It somewhere:

there I think:

Note: it's all SMD in there.

Give me some news I have one too...



he says that i have to remove this white glue or something, but if i just cut through the wires and solder new wires to them, why can't i do so?


I guess you can do so.  But the white stuff and wires will be left there ?   They say it's because they clean everything with an scalpel after.  I opened mine but I don't remember exactly how the wires were solidified on the metal plate...


but why do i need to remove this white stuff, i dont need to clean anything, i have a schematic, i can just look from there what wire is what, and then just cut them through and solder the wires there.  I'll give it a try, and also, i will make a footswitch to the EFX and Delay. But it takes some time, beacause i'm planning to remove the amp section from the Micro Cube case, and just leave it for the speaker. electronics will go to another box and so on.


Quote from: served on July 17, 2008, 04:25:52 PM
But it takes some time, beacause i'm planning to remove the amp section from the Micro Cube case, and just leave it for the speaker. electronics will go to another box and so on.

I am going to do something also I think (someday: I have too much projects going at the same time) :

- Buy a 6in. Weber speaker, (The one in there is total crap).
- Make an other small cab with separate spaces for electronic and speaker ( I think that putting the SMD PCB just behind the speaker is asking for troubles in X months.  This thing pushes some air in that small box, it's impressive) .
- And the other mods...

The thing is that I can't play with PAFs in that amp: the bass booster they had made with the small cab/spkr is just not useable with a Les Paul...
This cab/speaker just don't handle bass freq.  ...  Why keeping it.

That is sad because this digital simulator is not that bad sounding.


Well, it's sad because im busy too, i am building a guitar and working and a lot to do, but i'll try to start with it.
First need to build a wooden box, then a box for the electronics, and so on. I think ill buy a new speaker after i have finished modding, beacause if something goes wrong, then i havn't spent that money.


Well if you begin to work on it, post here and maybe we can help each other.

Do you plan to put a bigger power amp in there also, or just use the output jack ?



I tried to add Line-out. But something went wrong. A horrible roughhhh comes out my amp. Cube seems to be ok with it but my other amp isn't. I used 3k and 220ohm resistors. And this schematic What did i do wrong?

What i did was that, i added a switch to switch between the internal speaker and lineout. Was that wise thing to do? or they were suposed to work together?


I don't know, I did not tested it yet... :-\


Resistance between signal and ground cant be below 270 ohm. I just added 100 ohm resistor to 220 ohm and its working great. Its worth doing. Sound is much better.


Thanks for the advice !  Is it hard to work with the smd in there ?



The small Surface Mounted Devices (components with no leads)  :) .


Ok thanks. Well actually i havn't  changed nothing there. For now i have just added line-out form the speaker wires.



Now, i am still having those problems with that roughh from my amp... Its awful, i don't get it, why is that coming.

The problem lies in the shield wire, i think. Beacause if i connect amp shiled and Microcube speaker black wire, then it happenes, and it roughhs as many times as i connect the grounds. The sound lasts like 5 sec and then its quiet, if i disconnect the cable and re insert it then happenes the same thing.

Do you have any idea what is happening?


That is weird (for five secs ?). Don't know what it could be.


Ok actually the problem lies somewhere, but i cant tell where.
I think the problem is in my amp.
At the moment there isnt a problem, but ill dig it out again and then i hopefully know what was wrong before...