Muff issue. What do R9 and R14 do?

Started by PurpleStrat, July 19, 2008, 02:36:39 PM

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I have had a Muff for a while that was built for me to sound close to a Swollen Pickle. It has always had some glitches on the high notes. Almost an unbiased cut out type of thing. I modded the tone stack to Ram's Head specs and still it's their.

I checked every resistor and took notes and found the only ones that are really off compared to other schematics are R9 and R14 the ones in parallel with the diodes.

R9 = 142.5K  and R14 = 133.5K
From what I have gathered these are usually between 470K and 390K.

What exactly do these resistors do and could this be the issue?


COme on help a brother out! I have searched and can not find any info.  :icon_frown:


I'm not really sure about this but, I built the GGG Triangle Muff the other night and R9 is supposed to be left out, so I left it out.But then the second transistor wasn't biased correctly so I put in the 82K that some triangle muffs are supposed to have and it biased up perfectly. So my guess is its some kind of biasing resistor. Some one can correct me if I'm wrong as i probally am. The circuit still sounded fine with out it though. From what I see on the GGG schemo's is that R9 and R14 are more often than not 100K.


Sorry I should have stated that it was built on a Tonepad board. So the numbers are different then the GGG.  :icon_redface:


  Big resistors [390k / 470k] in the BMP would be between a gain stages transistors B/C.
  They bias the base, and provide negative feedback.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Quote from: petemoore on July 21, 2008, 05:07:29 PM
  Big resistors [390k / 470k] in the BMP would be between a gain stages transistors B/C.
  They bias the base, and provide negative feedback.

So they could cause the issue then! Thanks! I could always have just changed them but I wanted to learn something while I was at it.