Muff debug and odd behaviour

Started by Barcode80, July 20, 2008, 03:17:24 AM

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so i built a big muff pi triangle (built it a million times before, i love it!) and got it all boxed up, based on my confidence in the build since i had built that layout so many times. my mistake. I used the tonepad layout, and i'm getting no sound except the occasional splatty noise. SO i'm thinking misbiased tranny. however, i can't find any issues. also, i have a millenium bypass on there for the LED, which is working fine. but, when i trun the volume knob up and down the LED gets dimmer/brighter???? i've never seen this before.

i did have a ross compressor i built once that had the volume work when the effect was off, and it was a switch wiring issue. however, using the meter, i checked all continuity and all connections and all was wired correctly. weird.

so i thought maybe i made a mistake i couldn't find, so i desoldered the board and laid it aside. i then built the dreamy creamer in markm's layout gallery. i wired it into place in the box where the old bmp was, and got the same behavior. i can't think i would have that many bad parts, so i looked to the common thread between the two: pots, jack, and switch.

however, all tests and a switch replacement have come up with bupkis. any ideas?