Fixed gain for fuzz face?

Started by Focalized, July 22, 2008, 02:38:52 AM

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I wanted to exclude the gain control, it's always on max for me. And put a 1k or higher resistor, whatever works best. I'm not sure where it goes in relation to how the gain pot was wired.

As in this layout:

Would the resistor go from 1K-3 to 1K-2? Or something different? The ground from the pot is confusing me.


Post a schematic and I'll help.
"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


  Take a look at the Sili-Face [ROG].
  Something like that with 'chosen' values [ie transistor gain, gain resistor value etc], and a bit of fixed pre-gain [10k ? more ?] to emulate the guitar volume @ just <10...
  Because I  really never even use the gain knob on my one FF [the other I do], the *volume knobs on the guitar roll off bass faster at first...that makes a nice gain controller. *the ones with the treble bypass cap on it.
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