Pink resisitors?

Started by sleepybrighteyez, August 02, 2008, 11:41:18 AM

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I've been sorting parts I've pulled from old boards, and I've come across some resistors in pink casing. They are small, I think maybe 1/8W. I can't get a resistance reading on my DMM with any of these pink ones. Are these not resistors? I've been Googling for pictures but most resistors of this type seem to come in tan, brown, gray, or blue casing. At first I thought they were just bad, but it seems that all of these pink ones are not giving up the ohm reading on my meter. Sorry for the noob quest. I'm still looking for a site with great pics of different types of resistors, caps, etc so I can organize better.


Could just be an axial cap....
does it not have any markings at all?



ive spotted some fluro green ones in a tape recorded i gutted, just typical resistors (but pretty small)
i think there were also some pink ones too
Open Your Mouth, Heres Your Money


I can take pics later (sorry). They have standard color bands for resistors. Most of them are 4 band, one is 5 band. They are more cylindrical than peanut shaped (and very small). I just thought it was strange that I couldn't get an Ohm reading on my DMM for any of them. All of the other resistors I took off the board tested just fine.


hmmmmmmmm... strange indeed...  especially if they have color codes...  :icon_question:


Do they look anything like this?

If so then they are ceramic capacitors. I can't remember exactly how the colour coding works I think it's basically the same as for resistors and gives you the values in pico farads.


YES! That'd be them. A quick capacitance test agrees. Though, how do you know the power rating for these types of caps? I'll have to look up the color charts for these. The one I just tested should have been 3.7nF but the meter read it as 37nF, but that is going by resistor color codes. 

I was hoping it was something other than a resistor, either that or the phantom pink bunny came and hatched his evilry on them all to make them not work. You know, cuz he gets jealous of other pink things...