Need help with first pedal build... Bluesbreaker

Started by jprock, August 20, 2008, 10:18:47 PM

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Hi DIY stompers, JP from Australia here. javascript:void(0);

OK, so I had a crack at the GGG Bluesbreaker clone, my first real build (I successfully built an A/B switch).
I can't get it to work yet. javascript:void(0);
The bypass works, and so does the LED, but no signal when the effect is on.
I have checked the board and everything is on the right spot, and the soldering is OK, but far from brilliant.
I have looked at many threads on the forum about the pedal but need more specific help I think. javascript:void(0);

I have taken readings from the 072 opamp. I'm really hoping someone out there can help me spot the issue because I'm stumped.
According to the instructions I should be getting...
Pin 1. 4.3v    Pin 5. 4.3v
Pin 2. 4.3v    Pin 6. 4.3v
Pin 3. 3.9v    Pin 7. 4.3v
Pin 4. 0v       Pin 8. 8.8v

And my readings are...
Pin 1. 7.16v    Pin 5. 3.98v
Pin 2. 0.67v   Pin 6. 4.03v
Pin 3. 2.01v   Pin 7. 4.08v
Pin 4. 0v        Pin 8. 7.88v

So as far as I can tell, I'm getting too much at pin 1 and not enough at 2 and 3.

I also can't find C5 on the schematic... Why is that?
when I put in C5 I had some issues and fear that I may have cooked it?

Can anyone help me out with this, it's doing my head in!!javascript:void(0);

Cheers, JP


The first thing you should do is read the debugging section on the forum and the debugging help page at RG Keens site. The first thing they tell you to do is make an audio probe. Start from the input of the circuit and go component by component. 9 times out of 10 the place where the signal stops is your problem. Trying to figure out what is wrong from volt readings alone is often a guessing game. Good luck.
S J Waldner


there is either a solder bridge, cold solder joint, or wrong component on the left side of your opamp. the right side (pins 5 thru 8) look ok, but the other side has problems. remelt all solder joint around the IC (hopefully you socketed the ic, if so, take it out first to prevent overheating) and use a magnifying glass to look for bridges. double check the resistor color codes. etc etc etc