Help me identify this cap/resistor combos fuction

Started by John Lyons, August 29, 2008, 02:57:03 PM

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John Lyons

At the bottom:
With the 330n/1k combo to +vb, is this forming a shelved low pass filter?
If I reverse the combo to 1K/330n to +vb how will this affect the filter, or will it?

Or, is the 1k5/330n/1k tapering and changing the pot's resistance as filtering a bit?
My main concern is whether the cap/resistance order of the 330n/1k matters if it's reversed.



Basic Audio Pedals

Sir H C

Doesn't matter if it is reversed as that middle node is not tapped.

John Lyons

Thanks Chris

Is the combo providing a LPF for depending on the setting of the pot?
The pot comes after the combo so maybe not.
Can anyone explain what is going on in that pot/cap/resistor cluster?


Basic Audio Pedals

Sir H C

The curse is that with a 100k pot, it will do practically nothing until that last little bit of the turn.  the RC is a shelving low boost (or more correctly highs attenuation).  But odd that it doesn't have anything tapping out at the top of that stuff, only above the high pass, so together a sort of band pass?

John Lyons

So at full CCW is the (possible) bandpass correct?

thanks for your time checkig this out.

Basic Audio Pedals

Sir H C

Yes, if you think about it, when the pot is ~3k and above it is out of the equation, so for 97% of the rotation, nada.  Do you have a bigger picture?