Wiring for positive ground can I....

Started by Filament, September 02, 2008, 12:14:07 AM

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I built a positive ground Tone Bender MKII and I'd like to power it with my PPP2 instead of a battery like it's powered now.  So, I'm wondering when it comes to wiring the DC jack can I just connect the PCB ground (which is positive) to the positive lug of the DC jack, PCB -V to the negative lug of the DC jack and then plug the PPP2 barrel connector in as usual?

Figured I'd ask because I feel like I'm supposed to get a special cable for a positive ground pedal and I don't want to wreck my transistors or blow anything up. 

Thanks in advance.   
This is not my large automobile

John Lyons

You either need to have a separate power supply for the pos ground pedal or use a charge pump set up for a +/- voltage and only use the neg voltage rail to power you positive ground pedal(s). You can look up the charge pump info at GEOFEX above.

The charge pump would run off a typical negative ground so you can use it with your usual supply along with the other neg ground pedals.
The reason you can just flip the polarity is because any neg ground pedals in the chain will short out the power supply since the leads are reversed.


Basic Audio Pedals


As far as I know the Pedal Power Plus has all outputs isolated, the "positive ground" cable merely flips the leads. (basically like you said)
Just be sure that you'll never use it with a regular daisy chain and it should be ok.
BTW, try the "sag" output for the MkII, the lower voltage does interesting things to the sound.

It's supposed to sound that way.


I have the PPP2. It works fine with a PNP fuzz face i have.


  Just use a 'red/black' [PP II] DC plugs type cable, these reverse the polarity...of course that depends that your DC jack is wired for Pos Center...and whether you have PNP or NPN and...
  At any rate, make sure the more positive pole of the PS indeed will connect to ground of your PNP circuti.
  and then, not have to apply power to your reverse protection diode like always I do... applying power for a second before I unplug the DC [with the input plug in the input jack] and switch the bypass switch real quick to see if the LED lights...
  Though, even after I get everything looking right I do that too...and have had to reverse again the PS to make the LED light and the pedal work...don't leave reverse polarity on, getting the polarity right before applying is the best bet.
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