Two pedals in one: Am I on the right track?

Started by robidor, September 11, 2008, 05:16:59 PM

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So I like the sound of a nice strong boost going right into my fuzz face.  I was wondering if it was possible to put both pedals on one board.  Here's what I'm thinking:  From the LPB schem, I take the "Output" part and connect it to the "Input" part of my Fuzz Face schem.  I don't know what will happen as far as the current is concerned, though.  If I do the negative ground FF, is everything gonna work right?  Will the NPN LPB transistor work at the same time as the PNP FF trannies?  Is there a phase issue here that I'm missing?
Obviously, I'm still plenty new to the game.  Links in the right direction are quite welcome, then I can go figure this out for myself.


Boxes completed:  Tweak-O, Stratoblaster, Fuzz Face, RM Octavia
Boxes ruined:  Tweak-O
Boxes modded:  Ibanez DS7, Boss BD3, Fuzz Face
On the bench:  LPB/FF


what you could do for the ff, is ebay search some NPN germanium transistors
this would allow you to use a negative ground supply on both effects, and only one dc jack
you could also just use to separate power supplies, two dc jacks
i only wonder if you can put a - ground and a + ground circuit in the same enclosure
i mean, there both 0v, but im just wondering if the polarity thing will do something
Open Your Mouth, Heres Your Money


Well there is a layout on tonepad for a negative ground PNP fuzz face.  Wouldn't that work?
I'm mostly concerned about NPN and PNP transistors in the same circuit, I don't know so well how those work...
Also, I run all my pedals off of batteries, so power supply stuff is unnecessary.

Boxes completed:  Tweak-O, Stratoblaster, Fuzz Face, RM Octavia
Boxes ruined:  Tweak-O
Boxes modded:  Ibanez DS7, Boss BD3, Fuzz Face
On the bench:  LPB/FF