New vero layout: N Boscorelli's Vibrato-Matic III

Started by cathexis, September 25, 2008, 02:38:40 PM

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There's a new veroboard layout in my gallery, The Vibrato-Matic III by Nicholas Boscorelli, the JD Salinger of stompboxery :).
Mine is still warm from the soldering iron, I've hardly played it yet, but this far I like it. There's not that many dedicated vibratos around, and this sounds surprisingly good for such a relatively easy build. You should try it! You'll find the schematic in issue 5 of Stompboxology at:
Don't miss the other issues, especially the Going Discrete one. Lots of good info there. Kudos to Moosapotamus for making these available!
There's a quickie sound clip in my gallery too, nothing fancy.



SeanK: if this one is on your to-do list, it's starting to get spooky! :)


do you have a clip of the slow speed?  maybe one with more depth/no dry signal?

"I tend to like anything that I think sounds good."

sean k

Sorry Lars, I'm doing payback and already have a bunch of tremolos, not that keen on vibrato, but I'm replacing brakeshoes and CV boots on my car today so you've got a chance to leave me in the dust. Oh, and I'm carving up, literaly, a guitar at the moment and I'm going to fill it up with boosters so I'm off in other territories.

Spookies Good anyways, unseen forces and all that working for good... :icon_biggrin:
Monkey see, monkey do.

John Lyons

Yes, sounds nice lars.
If you get a chance can you make a clip with the depth and speed extremes?
Maybe a quick run through of the depth/speedranges?

Thanks for posting about this, I was looking at those links, thanks Charlie!


Basic Audio Pedals


Thank you for your interest! I just posted another sound clip with some rate and depth variations. The range isn't really that big with this box, it sort of stays within reasonable and musically useful bounds. It sounds best at moderate depth levels. I used a log pot for depth, and that's no good - all the action is in the last tenth of the pot's travel, make yours linear...


John Lyons

Great, thanks for posting that second clip.
Nice to hear the range of sounds.

Basic Audio Pedals


has anyone else build this circuit?
i think the samples sound rather great and i'm ordering parts for it.

happy to hear about other people's experiences!


I love my now-discontinued BYOC vibrato that dano tossed into a forum purchase I made from him--I was just using it today to help nail my sound on 'Fitted Shirt', one of the few cover songs that my band is willing to do :)

It was actually a very pleasant surprise, too, since I assumed it would be a vibe of the 'Uni' type, rather than an actual clean vibrato...definitely very useful and fun!
Warsaw, Indiana's poetic love rock band:


i'm confused... are we talking pitch vibrato here or TREMOLO?  i've got a sweet vb-2 remake in the BBE Mind Bender, but I've never looked into any circuits of how its accomplished.


Had a go at this one, built it from Cathexis' very nice hand drawn vero - Yay! Worked after a couple of tiny track bridges were located, so nice one mate.

Unfortunately, mine doesn't seem to have much range in either the speed or depth controls, so I'm only getting some swaying instead of some serious wobble. I know that its a heck of a schematic, but anyone got any ideas for goosing this one up a bit?


Does anybody have the schematics? And maybe a smaller veroboard layout?
This is a great circuit, it shouldn't get lost!


I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)