Negative Impedance Converter

Started by Inventor, September 27, 2008, 11:27:27 AM

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Hi, I am enjoying this forum, it's a good one.  I would like to ask your opinion of a circuit that I have imagineered and would like to build and test.  Is it new, is it interesting, do you think it will work or not, should I bother to buy  the parts and build it? 

The idea is very simple.  I smooshed together a pickup and a negative impedance converter in the hope of getting a (mostly) flat response from the pickup.  It works like this:  you actually place a duplicate pickup in the negative impedance converter itself, and the circuit then cancels out the source impedance of the pickup.  Here is a Wikipedia reference on negative impedance converters:

In that circuit, you put the pickup as either R1 or R3.  I solved the R3 version on paper and sure enough, if you set R2 = 2 * R1, then you get an impedance cancellation leaving only a flat pickup response.  I'm not sure how it would work in practice but I think it might be worth building.  So what do you think of this idea?  Stoopid or kewl? 


not stoopid at all.
reminds me of something.
forgot where.
something by STM?