B100K Push/Pull Pots

Started by fogwolf, September 30, 2008, 02:43:59 PM

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Anyone know where I could find a B100K Push/Pull switch pot in the U.S. (with solder lugs)? Haven't been able to find any for that value and taper.

John Lyons

I have some of these, 24mm 100K-B with a SPST switch at full CCW.


Basic Audio Pedals


Maybe I'm confused - I have found what I think you're describing (the switch is activated by turning knob to & from all the way ccw, right?). I'm looking for a pot with this value and taper where the switch is controlled by pulling the shaft out and pushing it in, this way you can activate/deactivate the switch at any resistance level/knob radius.


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Thanks. I had seen these and might resort to them but was hoping I could find one with solder lugs rather than PCB mount.

doug deeper

hey john,
where would i find some of these pots you speak of?


Quote from: fogwolf on September 30, 2008, 04:25:22 PM
Thanks. I had seen these and might resort to them but was hoping I could find one with solder lugs rather than PCB mount.
Its super easy to wrap a wire around the lug and solder.
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