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Started by R.G., October 01, 2008, 09:31:23 AM

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Mother Nature appears to be unbending about the Rules. The Rules will be followed, no matter what you decide, how much you hope, or how persuasively you talk.

Electrons follow The Rules no matter how many times you think you've traced the circuit or how correctly you think you've done the work. You can't BS electrons.

Magic as it's commonly perceived does exist. However, what we think is magic is always a technology that you don't yet understand.


In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


R.G. how do you think the start up of the Super Hardon Collider will effect stompbox technology (assuming they get it working).  I'm thinking a tiny black hole in the standard box for such things as delay, modulation, reverb, tremelo, "vintage" really from the past distortion etc.  The tech involved with the near absolute zero part may be tough, but maybe O ohm wll help out the op amps and diodes too.  Hell, maybe we can work in a small fusion reactor for power.   :icon_cool:
Stomping Out Sparks & Flames


I smell a BBD tech equivalent with those tiny black holes--no more expensive NOS chips...woot!

At the very least, we could get some black hole chorus going on  :icon_lol:
Warsaw, Indiana's poetic love rock band:


i say turn the collider into one big effect. so here's what you do: you make the proton gun voltage controlled from a 1/4 inch input, so it shoots groups of protons out depending on what you play on guitar. then you get them colliding and stick another 1/4 inch output on one of the detectors and into your marshall stack. im sure the different quarks and whatnot make all sorts of wacky sounds


Yeah, sure, but you know what, I can bend some Rules...

For example, I can make electron flow through the power lines leading to my house stop at will...


All I have to do is start working in my PC on something due for delivery tomorrow , and within a 2 hour framework the power will stop flowing to my home... and not return for at least 8 hours!

My powers seem to be accentuated by the fact that I live in a third world country...

Or I can make it rain at will within a 1 hour framework, just by washing my car...


Quote from: Morocotopo on October 01, 2008, 10:34:55 AM
Yeah, sure, but you know what, I can bend some Rules...

For example, I can make electron flow through the power lines leading to my house stop at will...


All I have to do is start working in my PC on something due for delivery tomorrow , and within a 2 hour framework the power will stop flowing to my home... and not return for at least 8 hours!

My powers seem to be accentuated by the fact that I live in a third world country...

Or I can make it rain at will within a 1 hour framework, just by washing my car...

I've seen that same principle applied to all the printers on any given college campus... :icon_lol:
Warsaw, Indiana's poetic love rock band:


Quote from: WGTP on October 01, 2008, 10:04:47 AM
R.G. how do you think the start up of the Super Hardon Collider will effect stompbox technology (assuming they get it working).  I'm thinking a tiny black hole in the standard box for such things as delay, modulation, reverb, tremelo, "vintage" really from the past distortion etc.  The tech involved with the near absolute zero part may be tough, but maybe O ohm wll help out the op amps and diodes too.  Hell, maybe we can work in a small fusion reactor for power.   :icon_cool:
Actually, the ability to make quantum black holes would be incredibly useful - and, as such, will not happen.  :icon_biggrin:

Black holes are not black (per Steven Hawking). They evaporate through the capture of quantum-fluctuation virtual particles at the event horizon. One of the virtual particles gets sucked in, the other remains outside. The other becomes free energy. The net energy cannot be energy created from nothing (i.e. the Rule of conservation of mass and energy still applies!) so the captured particle in effect subtracts the energy of the freed particle from the mass of the black hole. The hole evaporates as its mass drops, and the event horizon radius gets smaller. The ratio of mass to the are of the event horizon determines the speed of exaporation. Stellar-size black holes take billions of years to evaporate. Planet-mass black holes evaporate in millenia. Quantum black holes evaporate in microseconds. It is possible that we have already created quantum black holes of a mass so low that they evaporated in pico- or femto-seconds and we didn't watch at the right time.

The actual evaporation of a black hole is an ... um... energetic event. Hundreds of megatons kind of event, as the entire remaining mass is converted to energy when the event radius gets below the size to shield the singularity. I'll need to go read about the minimum size of a hole, can't remember that part off hand.

However, if you feed normal mass into a small black hole, the mass radiates energy equal to about 1/4 of the in-falling mass. This increases the mass inside directly by about 3/4 of the in-falling mass; that 3/4 of the in-falling mass you get returned to you in the form of evaporation energy.

So the Rules say that a micro-black-hole is an engine that directly converts mass to energy at a certain rate. You have to manage the fuel feed (any mass) carefully to be sure you only get the energy out that you want, and you have to have a constant load to eat the energy that's going to come out anyway, and it's both heavy (!) and you can't touch it with anything except fields, but in return for having to mess with the weight and don't-touch-me aspect and the energy management, you get an energy source that does direct conversion of mass (any kind of mass at all!) to energy. Puts the oil shortage in perspective, yes?  :icon_biggrin:

And that's just with the Rules we already know now.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.

Mark Hammer

So, um.....I'm not sure how that will make my Tube Screamer sound more like Stevie Ray Vaughan. :icon_wink:


I thought this was going to be about stomp boxes based on cards from Magic: The Gathering.


Well i hope this dubry whatsit that they have in switzerland doesn't create one of these black holes tonight, as it will probabaly suck all the beer out of my brown ale bottle, which will leave me with no insperation for what my next FX pedal is going to be. Now that would be bending the beer rules cause the last thing i want to find in my bottle is the missing Higg's particle.

Sanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same result. Mick Taylor

Please at least have 1 forum post before sending me a PM demanding something.


Would that be an act of war? From a neutral country?

They can take our lives, but they can't take
Warsaw, Indiana's poetic love rock band:


Quote from: R.G. on October 01, 2008, 02:56:06 PM
Actually, the ability to make quantum black holes would be incredibly useful - and, as such, will not happen.  :icon_biggrin:

It made for a pretty sweet movie in the 80's

Just kidding, it sucked.
edit: my bad- '79
"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH


There may be many points of view on this  What is happening in nature are phenomenons.  The best way we can have to explain and understand nature's phenomenon is science (an « explication » that will have the most predictability).  Science is what is known predictable and is constantly tested and measured by the human mind and his other tools and communityunauty.  What is not known can not be science IMO, but is a potential for science discoveries (as RG said)  ( and perhaps in some or most, can't because we can't measure it) .  What the scientific society does not know is still in the mystery domain (ex : language have some mysteries in it, division of living cells also, etc…), and thus can not be called science.  We humans, have a scientific explanation of phenomenons (and a significative one also: sense, language etc. : this is not science) .  What should be looked with doubts is pseudo-scientific explanations that are not accepted by the scientific communauty (and that is what I think everybody should focus on). 

To say that natures rules can not be bended is a postulation because we don't understand everything that is going on in nature.  That give us us some place for scientific paradigms changes...  Rules are perhaps more for humans than for nature.  Nature is what it is.  Science is probably contained in nature. And perhaps that everything is a potential for scientific discoveries.  Nature is not contained in science (in what I think, would be the usual definition, that is: what can be aborded by the scientific methodology) otherwise humans would know everything (plus, he would know it in a scientific way). Science is what it is now and was an other thing in the past, and did not existed in the stone ages. But the methodology of science is the same, we have to stick by what is the most logical and previsible that is sure.  Magic is the art that man have of producing what is not explicable with an occult process (now does that exist in the stompbox world ?  :icon_eek:).   

Hrmmm...  well I do care when we talk in an humoristic way : MOJO.   Now considering that MOJO parts will have a high probability to be used in stompboxes for many ages to come and causing measurable and different "vibes", I consider it to be pretty close to scientific .   Put a crystal and a 555 in that and you will be acting on THE Energy. 

Google for kick :

Wittgenstein magic
Paul Feyerabend knowledge
David Bohm Krishnamurti

Again R.G. leave some eggs, I like them scrambled...


Quote from: frank_p on October 01, 2008, 08:08:47 PM
Rules are perhaps more for humans than for nature.  Nature is what it is. 

Excellent point!

And if we think the universe cannot exist outside our understanding or perception of it, just because we have grabbed a small contextual corner of it that is predictable- we're just kidding ourselves...

QuoteSo, um.....I'm not sure how that will make my Tube Screamer sound more like Stevie Ray Vaughan.


Mark, I laughed out loud when I read that- the most appropriate response in this whole thread. And the most concise response I've seen you make too! :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen:
"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


  The LHC designers want to take some of my mass and turn it into energy ?
  Sounds like a might grand scheme to take over Weightwatchers.
  Pinky: So, Brain...What are we going to do today ?
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Quote from: DougH on October 02, 2008, 09:16:11 AM
Quote from: frank_p on October 01, 2008, 08:08:47 PM
Rules are perhaps more for humans than for nature.  Nature is what it is. 
Excellent point!
And if we think the universe cannot exist outside our understanding or perception of it, just because we have grabbed a small contextual corner of it that is predictable- we're just kidding ourselves...

I must not have been clear. As I've said many times, we often do not know all of the Rules, and may not fully understand the subset of the Rules we do know. But all of the Rules apply, even the ones we do not know yet, or do not understand fully. The Rules are nature; scientific discovery has been a process of uncovering the orderly processes which are hidden beneath it. For instance, e = MC2 existed, and applied in full force since before there were humans. It took us a long time to figure that one out. But it always applied.

It turns out that the harder we look at the natural world, the more it appears to be a work of math, the interplay of some high complicated (to humans) equations; some of the equations involve things that can only be described statistically, but statistics is math too. The natural world appears to be smoothly varying and not the product of mathematical processes because of the sheer size and number of parts involved compared to humans.

The more we know about nature, the more fascinating the interplay of the Rules is. I highly recommend reading "A Fearful Symmetry"; it's an easy to read synopsis of physics up to almost the current state of things.


In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


we humans seem to always have to have a answer for everything.. its like that thing that everyone has an opinion, even if doesnt understand a thing about the subject


What next R.G.?

No Easter Bunny?

Stay away from SANTA!!



Quote from: WGTP on October 01, 2008, 10:04:47 AM
how do you think the start up of the Super Hardon Collider will effect stompbox technology (assuming they get it working). 

::)  They still have this issue with a crackling pot