Benefit of metal can-style 3080A and 3094 OTAs?

Started by Rodgre, October 09, 2008, 10:55:23 AM

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I just stocked up on a few old-style metal can 3080A and 3094 OTAs (as well as some 8-pin dip 3094s).

I wondered if there was anything magical about them or if it was just looks.  Thoughts?


Paul Perry (Frostwave)

just looks.

But if you are repairing something that uses a metal can chip, you will be VERY happy to have one!
One metal can that is often seen is the balanced modulator MC1496. maybe the metal helps in radio applications.

alex frias

I've just built another Dynacomp for my own use. Well, as I had some common plastic and metal can versions of the chip, I opted for test both. Nothing really interesting audible diferences was noted. The noise ground seems almost the same. I decided to use the metal can only for mojo factor and cool guts look. :icon_razz:
Pagan and happy!