Mojo Vibe - Neo-Vibe blind test

Started by yeeshkul, October 20, 2008, 03:57:10 AM

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Friend of mine provided me with his Mojo Vibe unit so i can finally compare it with my DIY Neovibe. For purpose of blind testing i am gonna call the units Bodie and Doyle. All the clips were recorded under the same conditions within about 15 minutes. Both units were set to the maximum intensity, maximum volume and the same speed (the speed pots do not work the same so mine is at about 2 o'clock and MV is about 11 o'clock).

1. clean -> Bodie -> Doyle (Danelectro DC59)

2. guitar picking - Bodie (Strat)
3. guitar picking - Doye (Strat)

4. chords - Bodie (Strat)
5. chords - Doyle (Strat)

an now you can guess which one is which - yes they DO differ ...

sean k

I only listened to the two guitar picking mp3's and I reckon the 1.1, which would be Doyle, is alot crisper and clearer, a stand out. I hope it was your DIY that was Doyle.
Monkey see, monkey do.

Auke Haarsma

I like 1.1 and 2.1 better. Twice Bodie it is.

And if I may guess... it does sound like my neovibe... so Bodie=Neovibe.


I honestly like the Doyle clips better because of the less clarity. It's darker, and for , me, that works.

Now, if I had heard some clips with some gain on them, I might have preferred the other. I'd say that Bodie would cut through the dist. better...

Have any dist, fuzz, or overdrive clips?

Dai H.


To me, DOYLE sounds best! Bodie is too thin and doesnt swirl enough. DOYLE sounds to me like a true univibe.


darn friggin computer wont let me listen to them.

John Lyons

Doyle has deeper more resonant sounding sweep.
In the picking clip it's almost like a phaser type sound with the "wee-you" swoosh.
I liked the Bodie more on the picking sections.

Both sound good though.
With a more complex setting with other instruments Bodie would cut through more possibly.

With a different cap arrangement I'm sure you could get both type of sounds from a NEOvibe.
There are a few contributors to the sound of these vibes.
No two sound the same and you can alter how they sound by your choise of LDRs, transistors,
and the tolerances in parts used. Not to mention trim pot settings and tweaks here and there.


Basic Audio Pedals


Bodie sounds brighter, Doyle darker. I suppose Bodie is the Mojo Vibe :icon_wink:
They sound both very good anyway. It would be interesting to hear clips without reverb and some bluesy distortion, playing some solos. i would go for the brighter sound honestly, but maybe you can tweak something on the neovibe to make it sound less dark. I don't hear any hum issue from both clips, wich is amazing, this means the neovibe is dead quiet!

Evad Nomenclature

I'm down with the Doyle, and I'm in agreement with most of the folks here.
The Doyle has a darker sound.  Both sounds are decent, it would just be a personal preference to me.
Hope Doyle is yours =)
Evad Nomenclature III
Master of Dolphin Technologies


I think it would be interesting to test two of each and do the same kind of voting.  :icon_eek:


In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Bodie= Univibe
Doyle= MojoVibe

My guess..... ;D

i love to be the devil's advocate..... :icon_twisted:

Long live the music.....


Doyle sounds more like my neo with those settings.



  The Bodie is way subtle. I would guess the Doyle is the Mojovibe. I've built a neovibe and have heard my friends Mojovibe...



People thank you for your participation, it is really a reward. Both guys, Bodie and Doyle are clones indeed - since not many of us had a chance to play a real unit we've got just certain expectations about the sound mainly because of the hourly listening of our favourite "Vibe" albums (Hendrix, Floyds' Dark Side ..). I always dreamed of the Gilmour's sound that was recorded on bootlegs of early Dark Side performances (The Best Of Tour 72 - you may know it, you may not). It is interesting to see that both units - anyhow different they are - have their supporters. Yes, Bodie is brighter and less prominent in phasing, Doyle is darker and wobblier in phasing. I'll reveal their real names tomorrow, please go on  with your opinions.


Ah yes, Yeeshkul!! That's where I've seen that name before..... it's a Pink Floyd bootleg album title (recorded live in Canada 1972?)!! Somebody in the audience yells what sounds like that bizarre word, ha. I've got it in the collection here somewhere.
   Well, I'm guessing "Bodie" is the Mojo. Maybe it's brighter because of a possible buffered input and the Neo Vibe is without one? My Neo Vibe build has a thick midrange hump to it and really smooths out the tone of my bright sounding Fender Vibrolux, a great match.
"I like the box caps because when I'm done populating the board it looks like a little city....and I'm the Mayor!" - armdnrdy


Haha, guess my nick has been revealed :) (Toronto 73)

I opened Mojo yesterday - the buffer's off

Auke Haarsma

we do get gutshots from both, right?

I'm kind of surprised by the responses. To me the Bodie sounds deeper. The Doyle thin. Maybe my headphones play a (too) big role here.


I am not gonna put gutshots of Mojo here, i can't do it and i don't wanna do it .... and ... er ... Doyle is definitely deeper and less clear :)

Auke Haarsma

Ok, I was listening to just one half of the stereo-image (yeah... on can of my headphone doesn't work). I've set output to mono (so I hear both sides) and have to say that indeed Doyle is 'darker' and in my opinion 'sweeter' . Doyle is my vibe of choice.