Looking for a schematic for solo sound

Started by OnLyTNT, November 02, 2008, 05:54:13 PM

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I'm looking for a pedal for solos, to mostly play metal music. I need a solo sound very smooth and clear. It should be clear and flow like water while playing :icon_smile:. Do  you have any suggestion for diy? By the way, If it could be not more complex than a ts clone I would be grateful.



More information needed before people will be able to offer solid suggestions for you...  What sort of rig do you have?  Do you run other pedals?  Is it a single-guitar set-up in your band, or is there another guitarist (or other instrument in that frequency range) that you'll be "competing" with for sonic space?  Examples of particular tones that you're aiming for?

If you've got a tube amp that's still got some headroom on the distortion end, something like a mosfet booster might do the trick...  clean loud boost.

Or you might need something with some eq filtering, like an EQ pedal (which can be GREAT for solos) or a TS-style that boosts and removes some of the lows so the solos "cut" a but more.

"I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that won't work." -T. Edison
The Happy Household; The Young Flyers; Derailleur


  That'd be a long schematic, and wouldn't sound at all without 'a' speaker, unless you want to buy the speaker and everything I have here...still isn't exactly what I'd call 'metal'.
  "Smooth and Clean" to me sounds more a description of a cleaner than it needs to be amplifier with no pedals.
  "Metal Solo" to me falls into a category of some kind of clipping or heavy overdrive, distortion of some type, not much of the sound of string left in there.
  For that Bipedals suggestion of boost and tube amp...which in itself is a rather long 'schematic', and requires 'a' speaker...[morgan likely a 'better speaker. Oh yes, boost is a good suggestion, whether it achieves the goals for you with yours is another matter.
  The guitar probably doesn't put out as much as a booster, after boosting the signal into the amp, you can tell what kind of racket or stunning tones are available using every item in your chain including the speaker and guitar pickups.
  Why I say racket or stunning is because the speaker and amp are a big part of the equation, boost this' amp and find out the added input voltage makes wierd, harsh stuff comesoutta the speaker. Boost that amp and a spongy 'zone' with added harmonics appears, and picking dynamics alter volume And tone withought 'artifacts' detracting from the smoothness.
  BMP [or other] For discussion:
  Then the basic fuzz-booster, great when headroom is a sparse luxury, This thing does what any OD/Dist/Fuzz/Octave etc. does first...boost, then it boosts the signal.
  The signal is now 'hotter' than the input [larger signal voltage swings], so that there is enough to 'lop off' the signal peaks with diodes = clipping. Now you have a signal that is 'up' [even the noise floor is loud], even when there is little output from the guitar, and compressed when guitar output is large, this keeps the amp doing something, and prevents it from doing too much.
  Then the BMP boosts and distorts the boosted boosted distorted signal again, puts that into a tone control, boosts it again [because the two clipping stages and the tone control stage de-boosted er introduced passive losses].
  And there you have it, the box that strengthens, mangles the signal also, then smooths it taste for your waveform enjoyment.
  Otherwise there's 1 million fuzzes, infinite scenarios, ain't one of 'em the problem, nor solution, necessarily.
  That said, there have been references to people who've built a sleugh of pedals in the quest for a particular metal type tone and reported not exactly finding it in a pedal, not exactly 'metal' but I've had fruitless pedal searches for this or that tone.
  Sometimes you can figure out what is used on  your favorite recording or soundclip and try that, point of reference there being the system scenario. I bought a ZW pedal and it didn't remind me of Sabbath or Ozzie with ZW very much, as expected, I used to expect pedal titles to magically become my mental tone [the tone I had in mind].
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Ok, It seems I'm messed up with my own message again  :icon_confused: . First, I use EMG 81(b)-85(n) set on my guitar. I don't have a band, playing in my room by my self. So, I don't have a tube amp,  a cabinet and other pro equipments  :icon_razz:.  I use POD2 for practise and Digitech Death Metal with some VST plugins for recording.

When recording, I add some impulse response files after Death Metal and It really sounds good at riff parts. I'm really satisfied with that pedal. Also, there is a Boss GE-7 helping out with the tone.

The problem begins when I want to record some solo parts. Ain't Death Metal good for solos? Actually it is, but not exactly like I need.

I know that good guitar sound for metal comes from a good tube amp and a good cabinet. I understand really what you are talking about. But those things are far away from me like stars.

What I want a pedal just like Death Metal which can satisfy me and sounds like (at least close enough) I described in my first message. For example, In Flames - December Flower http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLPXAcAsLgo or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRmZ4GruSeE not needed exactly the same sound but character of the sound which I'm aiming for

Thank you very much for the replies by the way


Hi, I guess you mean the solo sound @ 1:40 in December Flower? That is a great sound, I know what you mean by "flowing like water"... the playing helps too ;)