Bluesy distortion in this song?

Started by gutsofgold, November 03, 2008, 02:35:31 PM

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Check out this song if you get a chance, I'm looking for a blues sound sort of like the lead line in this song. (It's a punk song, don't be startled).
About 10 seconds you can hear that riff played every few seconds and it's really thick and nasally sounding. Might not be the ideal tone but I love it in a lo-fi kind of way. Any idea on what it might be?   (It's the riff about 10 seconds in)


Sounds like a bridge pickup through a Marshall JCM800 half stack to me.  I get that same sort of nasal tone with the bridge pickup (single coil) in my Dearmond Starfire Special through a dirty amp. It could be a humbucker though.... probably not a Les Paul, but maybe an SG? I'm just guessing, of course.



Being as the song is named "TSlead" and you can't really hear any of the lyrics - would we venture a guess that the lead is being played through some sort of a TS (Tube Screamer - or it's variant ?). That would definitely account for it's nasally-ness.



haha the "ts" is just an abbreviation for the song name. they recorded through a dozen amps or so on this album (using all them at once at times) and as far as pedals go...


  I know what you're saying I think.
  Sometimes that major third note just rings great like that.
  I don't know that it's a stompbox thing, might not work without something' on it, it almost sounds like the harmonic was noticed as a bit outstanding, then the pole piece of the pickup was raised from 'under the note' to make it stand out in the chord, just for that song...long way around saying I'm not at all sure what gets that other than an amp / guitar / box / room getting that note to 'power itself'.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


" Sometimes that major third note just rings great like that."

     I agree with the half stack idea. I think that "third harmonic ringing" like that is a sound I always associate with push pull power amp distortion combined with a closed back cabinet.


I think it's down to how you play the chord as well.  It sounds like it's being played as a full barre and moved up and down the neck as opposed to the usual rock style with only the lower three strings being played if that makes any sense.