layout help with fuzzface.

Started by lysergic, November 05, 2008, 09:06:06 PM

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I'v been trying to get a fuzz face to work (with schematics taken from and

I'm wonding about how the power input and output lines are suppose to be wired with respect to the 1/4" jacks. Also the grounding system has me wondering, Is ground ment to be -9V or just some large metal object I ground it to.

Currently I have it wired such that the +9V is going into the top section of my input wire, going out to my 2.2uF capacitor and so on.

then the output is only wired to the top section of the cable?

I cannot post pics at this moment but will if its neccesary.

Thanks for any help.


9V+ is supposed to be ground in this schematic; everything labeled ground is connected to this. 9V- is the power which is connected to where it says - at the battery.