Small Clone/Heladito output volume increase

Started by jdub, November 07, 2008, 11:17:27 PM

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I'm a bit of a noob (4 builds + this one), so I'm hoping someone can help.

Recently built a Tonepad Heladito 02 Small Clone and it works pretty well, but I'm experiencing a bit of weirdness: the effected signal is significantly louder then the bypass signal, especially with distortion in front.  Even when it's the sole effect I get a lot of gain.   I've seen several posts that mention a volume decrease when the effect is on, but none that mention a boost.  I've fiddled with the trimpot a bit, but that doesn't seem to help.  Not sure where else to look, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

One other odd thing: the rate knob works OK (increases as I turn it up), but when I get to about 85% (that is, between 3 o' clock and 4 o' clock on the knob), I get this bizarre boingy insectoid noise with a bit of distortion and, past that point, no effect at all.  It sounds like the rate maxes out and then disappears.  I used a 1M reverse log pot, and even switched it for a new one, but it still does it.  I mean, I have the complete range of usable rates, but they don't evenly spread out over the range of the pot.  Bizarre. Any ideas?

Many thanks!
A boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim


I used the "volume pot" mod as stated by someone in the small clone build reports in tonepad.
It involves replacing the 100k output resistor with a 100k audio pot.
I actually wired my volume pot up wrong so im still waiting to get home a fix that, for me it is either "on or off" but I already posted a topic about this called "replacing resistor with pot" and got the correct way to wire up the volume pot if you are interested in going that route.
As with the rate knob, im not too sure about that, I know having the trimpot on some settings promotes distortion. Also might want to check the 39k up by the rate knob, I changed that out for a "clock speed" pot, and on some of the higher settings, its has major background noise that makes it unusable. So if your resistor is wrong it could have this effect. Also the 150 pf cap up by that pot as well.
hope this helps,


Here is the volume pot info btw

"For a volume modification you may need to configure the pot as a voltage divider.
Lug 3 = in, Lug 2 out and lug 1 ground."


Many thanks, Kerl. I'm hoping to avoid mounting another pot, but maybe altering the value of the 100k will help; if not, I'll give the pot a try.  Thanks too for the rate tips- I'll check it out and post results.
A boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim


Finally got around to playing with my Small Clone- replaced 100k resistor with a 100k trim for variable resitance.  Was able to adjust output level- problem solved.  Thanks for the help.

As for the max rate weirdness, haven't got to the bottom of that one yet...

A boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim


maybe there has been messed with the internal trimpot?

Thanks a lot for the help on the volume problem, I found out that a resistor of 80k also fixes up this problem perfect here.