Small clone pulsing led

Started by Kerly, November 18, 2008, 08:47:24 PM

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I've searched and searched, but cannot get a clear explanation as how to get the LED to blink off pin 1 of the LM358.
I've connected a wire to the underside of the board where pin 1 is up to a 47 ohm resistor, to the positive end of the LED, then connected the negative end to both the 3p3t switch and ground (at different times when trying to get it to work)
Either way, the blinking is very very faint, it seems to be almost up to normal brightness levels when the rate is maxed, but in some spots I get no indication at all, and most spots it is just too faint.

The effect works perfectly, I just cant get this led to pulse correctly. Also I have tried chaning the resistor, have not changed the LED tho, because the LED works perfectly when connected up to the 9v

I hope someone has an idea
Thanks in advance,



Putting the 47ohm - 120ohm resistor before the LED rather than after, though I can't see how this would make a difference, just something easy to try.

Also, are you using a superbright led or a blue led? Try a 3mm red or 5mm red (diffused). Blues and superbrights take a lot of current, which the op amp's pin 1 may not be providing.



Yeah I am using the effects connection UV Superbright led
So I'm guessing that a UV led would also take alot of current (even if I changed from superbright to a normal led), which would be unfortunate, because I really like purple.
But I will definitely try this out, thanks for the encouragement that I can get this to work!