problems with OD1 project..

Started by CASTOR, November 20, 2008, 06:39:52 AM

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Hi evryone!
Im building an opamp- based OD circuit which pretty much follows the boss od1 schem. The only diffs: I dont use the fet switch, replaced it with a dpdt stomp. The buffers are somewhat different but everything else is like the od1.
The circuit doesnt work at all.. I tried evry single thing to debug it. Continuity reads fine on every place where it should; pwr supply voltage gets to every 9v point just fine. The transistor buffers work so the problem is somewhere around the opamp stages.
Im getting almost full supply voltage on the pins 1 and 2 (second stage on the od1) and the Vref reads zero volts on my dmm although it checks fine when I unplug it from the opamp. Any clues? Thanx a lot for your patience!


Hi, please follow the instructions here and someone should be able to help you.
