Your top 3 favorite builds?

Started by grathan, November 30, 2008, 10:06:07 AM

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  For sound, I'm awful thankful for stuff like speakers and connectors, they may be trickier to build than they look !
  1. Tube Amp: [amplification allows sound 1 to come out of the speaker, below, 2 and 3 depend on 1.
  2. Fuzzface: RG and others used this circuit to try to teach me, for that alone it holds a strong bond, this ~led to allowing #1's to get put together. 
  3. Antique Pine cabinet, wood floor, walls and some angle ceiling, these combinations of related substrates really helps sound sound more interesting / less irritating IME.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


 Not exactly stompboxes, but hopefully close enough :)

1. (my first playable) lefty Strat (when I was 14)
2. 2xEL34 tube 50W head (when I was around 20)
3. 2xEL84 "Cute 15" tube 15W head (modded TinyTerror clone) (when I was 33.. which was this year ;))

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hank reynolds 3rd

3.Octave Multiplexer


1: A true bypass looper with two bypassable loops and possibilitys for feedback. A quick build, and superversatile.
2: Bazz Fuss. Great sounding fuzz. Use the blendable input cap from the Bazz Fuss deluxe.
3: Orange Sqeezer. Subtle but great sounding compressor.
My diy-site:


"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."


Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


  Yea, I had typed
 and Hubble Telescope into this thread at one point...
 "The Universe"...but that term, like many others, has become somewhat less defined, containing 'ill defined complexities', it used to seem to be much simpler.
 The Jury is still out !
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


QuoteMy top 3 favorite builds (in no particular order):

1. Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center-

2. The Space Station -

3. Maria Bello -

Schematics?    :icon_wink:

My 3 current (pedal) favorites:
- Tremulus Lune
- Fuzz Face
- mutt Tube Reamer with a few cap and diode tweaks and an SWTC

"I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that won't work." -T. Edison
The Happy Household; The Young Flyers; Derailleur

The Tourist


Quote from: kurtlives on December 01, 2008, 09:53:13 PM
Quote from: runmikeyrun on December 01, 2008, 09:27:37 PM
so then R.G... what were your 3 favorite builds?   :icon_lol:
3 favorite pedals to build:

1.  PT-80 w/ extra effects loop and delay time LED indicator
2.  Tufnel!  Still finishing but a fun, easy build.
3.  My first real build- a buzz box with all kinds of options.  Really got me into fx big time.

3 favorite pedals that i've built to use:

1.  PT-80
2.  Uglyface
3.  Modified Boss DS-1.  Not really built, but heavily modified.
My thoughts exactly :D

Where do you live?  I want to start a new band... know any drummers?   :icon_lol:
Bassist for Foul Spirits
Head tinkerer at Torch Effects
Instagram: @torcheffects

Likes: old motorcycles, old music
Dislikes: old women