Your top 3 favorite builds?

Started by grathan, November 30, 2008, 10:06:07 AM

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1. Real hardware spring reverb circut by G. Forrest Cook found at Gaussmarkov (sounds just spot on with a Accutronics tank)
2. A AMZ booster with my own tweeks (different caps and added switsh for MOSFET+Ge, Clean or standard Si clipping)
3. PT 80 (repete om min, mix on max, and time on near min for thar nice concret basement  sound)

The only bad sounding stomp box is an unbuilt stomp box. ;-)
//Take Care and build with passion (exlude x to mail)


1. Sparkledrive (TL072 for Tube Screamer opamp, OPA2134 for clean blend opamp - two lots of 2x 1n914 in series for the clippers).  Use it to boost my JCM 800 to get a lot more gain, sustain and makes the overdrive a LOT tighter.

2. Liquid Sunshine. Use this with the amp set mostly clean for a very AC/DC sound. Last tone that I expected out of this pedal but sounds great.

3. Tremulus Lune - forget any other tremolo, this one is the one to build! Sounds great to my ears and lots of options



1. Tycobrahe Octavia clone. Mine kan change between the suggested 2N4401 transistors and higher gain 2N5089, which makes it even sicker. Great fuzz!
3. Fuzz Face(original) and most fuzz face based circuits.
General tone addict
Deaf Audio at Facebook


1) ROG Supreaux
2) Tonebender MK II (the first one I built was actually stolen)
3) DOD 280 A optical compressor or the Valvecaster (Now there's a throught: how about combining the two in one box... hm...)

...hard to pick just three. A top 5 list would include the PT-80 and maybe some modulation pedal too. MXR Phase 45 is a really nice and easy build and would fit well with the other pedals mentioned here.


1) Neovibe

2) Rangemaster

3) Fuzz Face, and just about any fuzz pedal i have built


2. Neovibe
3.Mobius Trip Looper(but now I want another looper with longer record time)


Great idea for a thread.  I must say I'm a little shocked but not surprised that no one has mentioned any wahs.

1. Dr. Boogey
2. Trotsky Drive
Other builds haven't been worth mentioning yet, those two are the only two I liked so far. 
The people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living.


1 Rangeblaster   npn range master with rotary input cap switching - 8 values

2 OVD   ocd V1

3 STM Converger notch filter/ high cut

So many circuits, So little time

Paul Marossy

Top three distortions:

1. BSIAB (Original Circuit)
2. Shaka Tube
3. TS808

Top three Other:

1. EA Tremolo
2. Phase 45
3. Crash Sync


1) Hands down - my #1 is the OVD matching the Stratotrasto schematic:

2) GGG's MXR EF - A really great build very tweakable effect - Don't use the TI cd4069 or cd4066 on this one though.

3) FuzzCentral's Axis Fuzz - the ultimate desert island effect.

Very honorable mention: Everyone needs a 4ms Tremulus Lune



Only 3? Well, here's a few that had me so excited after building and tweaking 'em I couldn't stop playing for hours:
1) NeoVibe - Absolutely couldn't believe I finally had a UniVibe, much less built one myself!!
2) CE-2 Chorus - Modded all to hell with extra features from the Tonepad site.
3) Wah Wah - Most recent build.  Used the "Moddable Wah" layout at General Guitar Gadgets site and used "The Whipple" halo inductor. Once I had all the trimpots tweaked to my liking I couldn't stop playing.... nails the "Burning of the Midnight Lamp" Hendrix wah sound.

Those 3 brought a big smile to this sour puss and still do.
Honorable mention. Any one of these could have made my top 3:
Blue Box w/ Mark Hammer's 2 octave down mod... who would want only 1 octave down after hearing that?
Tone Bender mkII w/ Marshall Supa Fuzz mods - You can have your Fuzz Faces!
Ugly Face - Tim Escobedo's sick circuit.... the only pedal that cracks me up and kicks my arse at the same time!!
EA Tremolo w/ bigger LFO caps for faster speed - One of my 1st builds and nothing's better for warm, buttery vintage sounds.
"I like the box caps because when I'm done populating the board it looks like a little city....and I'm the Mayor!" - armdnrdy


I have to say, this thread really illustrates why I don't like "What's your favorite..." or "What's the best..." threads.

Nearly everyone has an opinion. Big surprise, though - they're all different. The few multiple-mentions are the exception rather than the rule.

There can be no disagreements about matters of taste - and, it seems there are remarkably few agreements too.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


so then R.G... what were your 3 favorite builds?   :icon_lol:

3 favorite pedals to build:

1.  PT-80 w/ extra effects loop and delay time LED indicator
2.  Tufnel!  Still finishing but a fun, easy build.
3.  My first real build- a buzz box with all kinds of options.  Really got me into fx big time.

3 favorite pedals that i've built to use:

1.  PT-80
2.  Uglyface
3.  Modified Boss DS-1.  Not really built, but heavily modified.
Bassist for Foul Spirits
Head tinkerer at Torch Effects
Instagram: @torcheffects

Likes: old motorcycles, old music
Dislikes: old women


My favourite build at present:  RunOffGroove Ruby mini-amp.


Quote from: runmikeyrun on December 01, 2008, 09:27:37 PM
so then R.G... what were your 3 favorite builds?   :icon_lol:
3 favorite pedals to build:

1.  PT-80 w/ extra effects loop and delay time LED indicator
2.  Tufnel!  Still finishing but a fun, easy build.
3.  My first real build- a buzz box with all kinds of options.  Really got me into fx big time.

3 favorite pedals that i've built to use:

1.  PT-80
2.  Uglyface
3.  Modified Boss DS-1.  Not really built, but heavily modified.
My thoughts exactly :D
My DIY site:


Looking at it from a different perspective, RG, topics like this are great for beginners like me. I've built three effects, and I'm researching my next builds. Some of them will be a lot more complex than anything I've built to this point. Topics like this help me narrow down what I might want to build. The volume of schematics and layouts for different circuits is overwhelming, with some individual effects having so many variations that it is hard to pick which would most likely match the tone in my head.

A topic like this allows me to identify effects that are popular builds, which means I will be more likely to get help when I run into problems. It also helps me identify effects that are buildable for a stupid n00b like me. If other people can build it, I can too!

I've only built three effects, so by default they are my favorite:

Beginner project (NPN boost). I put together my own layout as a challenge, and it went together really well. I installed the range control and it barely does anything. I'm going to pull it and replace it with a regular volume pot. My booster was a radio, and I solved that with research and tinkering. Fun!

Orange Squeezer. I adapted my layout from another layout. A lot tougher than the beginner project. I connected the opamp wrong, and it took about 6 hours, and burnt opamps to figure that one out. Once I got it working, I was unimpressed. Everyone said it was subtle, but comparing compressed/uncompressed recordings, I realized something was wrong. I was ready to give up and tossed it to the side, and it must have jarred the trimpot to the perfect spot. When properly biased, mine is fairly obvious. Of course, I tried to adjust the bias to fine-tune the compression, and of course I can't get it back to that compression range. I know it's there, and a 25-turn trimpot is going to help me find it.

Bazz Fuss. This is a fun build. I don't have a breadboard yet, so I socketed every part except the trimpot. I tried everything-- tons of scavenged capacitors, transistors, and diodes. Some worked good, some not at all. Good stuff.

A year from now, I would probably post three entirely different builds, and maybe a n00b will find my post insightful. :)
If you're not doing it for yourself, it's not DIY. ;)

My effects site: Just one more build... | My website: America's Debate.


Quote from: R.G. on December 01, 2008, 08:48:48 PM
I have to say, this thread really illustrates why I don't like "What's your favorite..." or "What's the best..." threads.

Nearly everyone has an opinion. Big surprise, though - they're all different. The few multiple-mentions are the exception rather than the rule.

There can be no disagreements about matters of taste - and, it seems there are remarkably few agreements too.

Thanks R.G., I think that NeoVibe build just fell off my list. :'(
"I like the box caps because when I'm done populating the board it looks like a little city....and I'm the Mayor!" - armdnrdy


Quote from: R.G. on December 01, 2008, 08:48:48 PM
I have to say, this thread really illustrates why I don't like "What's your favorite..." or "What's the best..." threads.

Nearly everyone has an opinion. Big surprise, though - they're all different. The few multiple-mentions are the exception rather than the rule.

There can be no disagreements about matters of taste - and, it seems there are remarkably few agreements too.

That's a feature, not a bug. Just as long as everyone remembers that it is opinion. Hearing that someone else likes a thing you haven't considered could get you to try something new.

So much of this stuff is a matter of taste and it's good to see what flavors other people are trying. Sure there's the big sign at Baskin Robbins, but seeing what people actually order tells you something.
My Blog of FX, Gear and Amp Services and DIY Info


1.Big Muff (transistor or opamp i love them all)