1st build problems - help required.

Started by Rodders, December 11, 2008, 05:03:04 PM

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Quote from: Rodders on December 16, 2008, 02:40:47 PM
I don't know what OTA means ???

The 3080 is an OTA.

And by errors....you mean that the pot is dead and.....?

By errors I meant, first a malfunctioning IC and now a dead pot. What's next?
That pot is dead. Not resting. Not planning for a comback...    Let go...     :'(


Great news!

I've set the trim pot to roughly half way. I replaced the 500k pot with a shiny new one.

Plugged in and we have sound. The level pot has a huge range on it, and the sustain pot too has a very noticable effect on the sound. It sounds good!

I'm not entirely sure what the Ross Comp is supposed to sound like but I believe it shouldn't alter the tone too much, rather just flatten out the levels of the highs/mids/lows so they are more together. I need to understand what the sustain pot is doing - it doesn't sound like what I'd expect of sustain.

So, time tor read up on the Ross Comp. Then I need to design my box and get drilling. I've got an MXR Blue Box circuit built and ready to be housed too...and I'm probably going to get it reasonably permanently in the box before I try and hook up all these bloody wires again! It's just about bearable for testing it, but when it comes to packing all my kit away off the kitchen table it's a pain!



Nice!  Nothing like a working pedal  ;D

Quote from: Rodders on December 16, 2008, 02:40:47 PM
I don't know what OTA means ???

OTA = Operational Transconductance Amplifier



Forgot to add a "Thanks". Big thanks to everyone who chipped in, but especially to oskar who seems to have been conveniently on hand whenever I post a question.

I have this niggling doubt that it's actually working......y'know, maybe I've shorted the input to the output somewhere so all I'm hearing is the regular guitar signal....and when I twist the knobs I'm believing that something happens :D I guess that's what happens when you get a successful build - you wonder if it can be true!

How do I know that the whole circuit is doing what it's meant to? It does sound right, but I worry!

The main thing is, my confidence and enthusiasm is still high so I'm excited about the next build already.