Source for very cool Custom Painted Enclosures!

Started by the recluse, December 13, 2008, 09:44:07 PM

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the recluse

Sorry if this comes off as spammy, but I was pretty excited about it as my painting skills are lackluster at best.  I don't have any affiliation with him, but I wasn't aware of a source for this kind of thing. 

Admins feel free to move if you think this should go elsewhere.

I went to the Bizarre Bazaar Craft fair in Cleveland today, and was happily surprised to find a vendor that was selling custom painted effects enclosures! 

I assumed finding something like this there would be possible, but definitely a long shot.  He's done some very cool stuff and the prices are pretty reasonable-$25 for a 1 of a kind pedal casing. 

I picked up purple sparkle 125B that looks kind of like ostrich skin on the top.  He also offered to do enclosures that I've already built, and I think I'll take him up on that. 

if you're interested check it out

the recluse

oops,  I put the link in wrong.  It's fixed now.


the recluse

He has more, but he pulled them off to sell them at the show this weekend. 

More should be going up soon.


i don't know...

if you ask me they look kinda like they were painted for grandma's arts and crafts fair.


Howdy folks!

I have my remaining inventory at my site now. Thanks for your patience.

Any grandmas that need a kick butt pedal enclosure, come on over! :-)

Eddie at Philosophrets

Joe Hart

Quote from: rnfr on December 15, 2008, 01:35:23 AM
i don't know...

if you ask me they look kinda like they were painted for grandma's arts and crafts fair.

I think they look nicer than Z-Vex's! And I think Z-Vex's boxes are cool, groovy, and funky, so this is not a slap to Zachary and Co. But that's my opinion. And you know what they say about opinions...
-Joe Hart


Quote from: philosophrets on December 15, 2008, 09:18:58 PM
Howdy folks!

Any grandmas that need a kick butt pedal enclosure, come on over! :-)

Eddie at Philosophrets

I like your attitude!

DIY has unpleasant realities, such as that an operating soldering iron has two ends differing markedly in the degree of comfort with which they can be grasped. - J. Smith

mike  ~^v^~ aNaLoG.MaN ~^v^~   vintage guitar effects